Main > Food stuffs> Питахайя


Питахайя – a treelike bushy cactus with fleshy fruits on the ends of stalks. Fruits of different types of a cactus differ by the size, on color of pulp, on smoothness of a surface. All fruits of a pitakhaya have a large number of black sunflower seeds.


The Western hemisphere is considered the homeland of a pitakhaya. The first mentioning of this exotic fruit belongs to the thirteenth century. Acid and sweet fruits of a pitakhaya were popular among tribes of Indians who lived in the territory of modern California. Red-skinned ate pulp, and seeds fried, milled and used for preparation of soups.

Now it is grown up in Israel, in some countries of South and Central America, in Mexico and in Vietnam.

Allocate three main types of a pitakhaya – yellow, red and Costa Rican. Thin skin of red fruit red-pink, and pulp white. Costa Rican питахайя the peel yellow, and pulp white has a red peel and pulp, and at yellow fruit. Yellow fruit reckon as the most sweet with quite strong smell. Taste of a red pitakhaya quite fresh, and aroma easy and grassy. By sight "draconian fruit" (the second name of a pitakhaya) reminds small pineapple. Its weight fluctuates from 150 to 750 grams. Fruit pulp on a consistence is similar to sour cream, and to taste it bears a faint resemblance to a kiwi and banana.

Structure of a pitakhaya

Useful properties of a pitakhaya are explained by the high content of useful substances. In its pulp there is water, carbohydrates, in insignificant quantity there are polyunsaturated fats. "Draconian fruit" is considered a good source of natural antioxidants, B1, PP, B3, B2 vitamins and, especially – food fibers, phosphorus, calcium, iron and other mineral substances.

Fruit caloric content – 50 kcal on hundred grams of a product.

Useful properties of a pitakhaya

Properties of a pitakhaya allow to consider her a valuable dietary product. This fruit increases immunity, reduces the level of harmful cholesterol in blood, improves activity of a digestive tract.

It is considered also that fruit makes salutary impact on quality of sight.

Useful properties of a pitakhaya are used by culinary specialists and cosmetologists. This fruit is added to candies, a water-ice, ice cream, yogurts. Do jam and jelly of its pulp. Fruit keeps all the properties in combinations to a hibiscus, a pear, a sandal-wood tree, musk, a jasmine. The almonds dish from pitakhayy is very popular in Central America.

In cosmetology this fruit is added to creams, shower gels.

As eat питахайю

How eat питахайю? It can be used in pure form, and also to apply to preparation of desserts and cocktails.

Фруктовый салат с питахайей

Usually fruit is cut on two halves and eat pulp with small spoons. It is also possible to cut it lengthways, receiving two equal parts which to cut in turn on segments as do with a water-melon and a melon. Do not eat a pitakhaya thin skin. Before giving on a table it needs to be cooled. "Draconian fruit" is not combined with the dishes having sharp taste.

Quite often питахайю apply to production of low alcohol drinks. In Spain juice from a pitakhaya is mixed with juice of a lime (lemon). Are suitable in food and flowers of a bush. They are added to tea for creation of refined aroma.

Whether you know that:

The stomach of the person not bad copes with foreign objects and without medical intervention. It is known that the gastric juice is capable to dissolve even coins.