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Rahat lakoum

According to a legend the rahat lakoum was invented for the voluptuous sultan who was the big fan of women. And, really, Рахат-лукум – известная восточная сладостьadvantage of a rahat lakoum is its ability to raise a potentiality and to sate a body with energy for love joys.


Rahat lakoum – the known east sweet. Treacle, sugar and starch is a part of a rahat lakoum, and for a flavoring variety add various ingredients – berry or fruit juice, nuts, fresh berries, chocolate, candied fruits, vanilla, coconut flakes, etc.

Invented a rahat lakoum at the end of the 18th century in Istanbul, and in many respects its recipe remained invariable and in today. Traditionally preparation of sweet takes two days therefore in house conditions to prepare a rahat lakoum it is problematic, but, with diligence and desire, perhaps. The secret of the correct preparation consists in careful and continuous hashing of sweet weight and observance of the long period of its cooling.

Preparation and structure of a rahat lakoum

At the first stage 400 ml of water, previously some time infused on pink petals, and 4 glasses of sugar mix up, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice is added. This mix is put on strong fire and in ten minutes it is carried to boiling. Ready syrup is removed from fire and is cooled. The second stage of preparation begins with beating of 3 glasses of water, 1 glass of starch and 1 teaspoon of a wine stone. The received weight is heated on weak fire, constantly stirring slowly that lumps were not formed. After boiling of weight in it a thin stream pour in the cooled syrup, without ceasing to stir slowly. At the third stage sweet preparation is cooked at a temperature not above 80 °C for several hours, constantly stirring slowly until weight thickens and will become golden color. After that the pan is removed from fire, and transformation of sweet dense weight into tasty east sweet begins here. Add candied fruits, nuts, vanilla, grated chocolate and other components to a sweet basis, depending on what taste the cook wants to receive. At the same time, the amount of additional ingredients can occupy a third of volume of all weight.

In conclusion, the culinary specialist pours out still warm and liquid rahat lakoum on the sheet of parchment which is laid out on a baking sheet and oiled by vegetable. That weight was distributed on a leaf evenly, slightly shakes and shakes a baking sheet, covers weight from above with a polyethylene film and leaves to stiffen. Approximately in 12 hours the rahat lakoum by means of special molds or a usual acute knife is given the necessary form. The turned-out delicacy is powdered from above with mix of icing sugar and starch or coconut flakes. Keep ready sweet in a special container or papered in order to avoid contact with air.


History of the most refined and popular east sweet is known authentically, unlike many others concerning which origin there are different opinions.

The court confectioner of the Turkish sultan, Ali Haji Bekir, at the end of the 18th century thought up a rahat lakoum. And here concerning the circumstances preceding the invention there are several opinions. On one of hypotheses the great sultan was big the sweet tooth. Once he broke tooth about firm lollipop and so became angry on the confectioner that that thought up a new soft dessert literally for one night. In Arab the rahat lakoum means "convenient pieces".

According to other hypothesis the Arab sultan very much loved women and had a big harem. The habit to give to the women pleasure not only by means of carnal joys, but also a preliminary refined entertainment, forced it to demand from the confectioners the invention of new unusual sweets, more and more various and difficult. As a result of Haji Bekir the universal rahat lakoum which part sugar was, pink water and starch thought up, and its taste diversified by means of addition of various ingredients. Regardless of the fact that is the truth, the sultan and his culinary specialist made happy all sweet teeth on hundreds of next years, this viscous and gentle delicacy enjoys popularity in many countries of the world to this day.

It is known that Haji Bekir's descendants became rich and famous owners of a bench of sweets in Istanbul, and in the 19th century they presented a rahat lakoum at the Bruxelles exhibition. Sweet got a gold medal and wide circulation across all Europe. In Europe "Turkish Delight", or "the Turkish pleasure" began to call a rahat lakoum. Sweet was especially fallen in love by British where it was used for a five-hour tea drinking. Now there is a huge number of types of a rahat lakoum, the most various forms is and nut, fruit, two-layer, cubic, children's, cut, fig, white, honey and many other types.

Rahat lakoum caloric content

As well as many Приготовление рахат лукума в домашних условияхsweets, caloric content of a rahat lakoum it is quite high and makes about 350 kcal on 100 g of a product. Therefore it is better for them not to abuse and there is no this sweet more than 50 grams a day. And if you wish to get rid of excess weight, then it will be best of all to refuse it in general for a while.

As as a part of a rahat lakoum there is a sugar, its excessive use causes "failures" of a lipometabolism that often is the reason of increase in body weight and a zhiroobrazovaniye.

Advantage of a rahat lakoum

High caloric content of a rahat lakoum does not give yet a reason to rank it as harmful products. At this east delicacy there is a glucose which, no doubt, is useful to a human body. Thanks to influence of glucose cordial activity and work of a brain is adjusted, production of endorphines – the hormones lightening the mood and level of working capacity amplifies. In addition, the glucose which is a part of a rahat lakoum well affects a condition of hair and improves an intestines peristaltics.

Some will consider it very strange, but the advantage of a rahat lakoum consists also in increase in immunity. It appears, glucose in connection with starch forms the component helping a human body to struggle with catarrhal and viral diseases. Medicinal properties of a rahat lakoum were known in Ancient Rome, not without reason christened sweet "throat drug".

The advantage of a rahat lakoum in many respects depends on the additives entering a compounding. So, for example, pieces of orange or a lemon help to recover from cold, honey improves quality of blood and normalizes processes of digestion, berries and fruit juice saturate an organism with useful vitamins and minerals.


Owing to the high caloric content of a rahat lakoum and high content of sugar, in an organism sweet turns into fat and is postponed under covers of internals and skin. Therefore the excessive use of sweet leads to a hypertension, a diabetes mellitus and obesity.

Among other things, east delicacy breaks release of enzymes of a stomach, pancreas and intestines, and also spoils an adamantine substance of tooth. Therefore in the presence of chronic diseases and a slow-moving way of life it is better not to use a rahat lakoum at all.

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