Main > Diseases> Rheumatism


Ревматизм - воспалительное поражение соединительной тканиRheumatism – inflammatory systemic lesion of connecting fabric. Most often at this disease the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular and nervous systems are surprised. Damages of sinews, skin, kidneys, eyes and digestive organs are observed seldom. Disease is not limited to one episode. Primary attack of this disease arises at children's and young age. The more was the attacks of a disease, the it is heavier than a rheumatism effect. The attack of rheumatism at children usually lasts not less than two months.

Pathogeny and reasons of rheumatism

Epidemiological data, clinical observations, microbiological immunological and pilot studies indicate communication of this disease with a streptococcal infection. Under the influence of streptococci of serological group A the immunological homeostasis of a human body is broken. At disturbance of balance between cellular and humoral immunity the group of lymphocytes which damages connecting fabric of various bodies and systems of an organism is formed. Rheumatism can develop at regular overcooling, defective food, overfatigue.

Huge value is played by genetic predisposition to this disease. In so-called rheumatic families incidence is three times higher, than in usual population. The disease is inherited on polygenic type. Usually at rheumatism first of all connective tissue structures of a microcirculator bed are surprised, and later process takes connecting tissue of lungs, hearts, joints, a liver. The treatment of rheumatism begun in an initial stage of defeat of connecting fabric can lead to delay or the termination of development of pathological process.

Rheumatism symptoms

Allocate an acute phase of rheumatism, subacute, long, continuously recurrent and latent (clinically asymptomatic).

Symptoms of rheumatism depend on expressiveness of the proliferative, exudative phenomena, extent of defeat of bodies and systems of the patient, and also on time of the request for medical care. Symptoms of a disease depend also on what bodies are struck by an inflammation. Usually the disease is shown after recovery by quinsy caused by a streptococcus after a while. The main symptoms of rheumatism are arthritis (joint pain), fervescence, heartbeat and thorax pain because of an inflammation of heart (carditis). At this disease uncontrollable twitchings of muscles can be observed. On skin there can be a ring erythema (rash), and under skin – small small knots. Small knots and rash can be the only symptoms of rheumatism. Small knots are painless and disappear without treatment.

At rheumatism of joints in one or at once in several joints sudden pain develops. Joints become red, swelled and hot. Most often knee, ankle, elbow joints, wrists are surprised. Sometimes hip, shoulder joints and small joints of feet and brushes are surprised. Along with emergence of a joint pain body temperature begins to increase. Body temperature at rheumatism of joints decreases, again increases. Rheumatism symptoms usually disappear within two weeks.

Rheumatic process can affect a myocardium, an endocardium and a pericardium. Rheumatism without the expressed cordial changes meets extremely seldom. The inflammation of an outside cover of heart can be followed by easy fatigue, emergence of an asthma, the barking cough, vomitings, nausea. The cover inflammation sometimes leads to damage of valves and rheumatic damage of heart. The structure of the mitral valve is most often broken. Damage of the mitral valve is diagnosed on characteristic noise of heart. When narrowing an opening of the mitral valve the mitral stenosis develops.

Uncontrollable twitchings of muscles at rheumatism also begin gradually. Twitchings gain the nature of not purposive bystry chaotic purposive movements over time. The similar movements disappear during sleep. Rheumatism at children proceeds more hard and sharply, than at adults. Uncontrollable twitchings can continue from four to eight months. For this reason at rheumatism at children handwriting strongly spoils.

The course of rheumatic process can be followed by uncertain clinical symptomatology (weakness, decrease in physical activity, emergence of a moderate asthma after an overload, the subfebrile or normal temperature, a hyperexcitability, irritability and a sleep disorder).

Rheumatic damage of lungs is usually shown by a pleuropneumonia, pleurisy and pneumonia.

Treatment of rheumatism

При ревматизме суставов они становятся красными, горячими и распухшимиAt treatment of rheumatism the three-stage system is applied. Hospitalization with a bed rest for a month is provided in an active phase of a disease. Further treatment in local cardiorheumatological sanatorium is provided. At the third stage dispensary observation behind a condition of the patient in the conditions of policlinic is made.

The complex of treatment of rheumatism includes use of physiotherapeutic procedures and medicines, and also the balanced diet providing a milk and vegetable diet with restriction of liquid and salt. From medicines at rheumatism antibiotics (penicillin drugs), potassium drugs (an asparkam, Pananginum), diuretics (lasixum, furosemide), cardiac glycosides are shown (Isolanidum, digitoxin, корглион, strofantin-K). Surely include Ascorutinum (Rutinum) and ascorbic acid in treatment.

Treatment of rheumatism folk remedies

At rheumatism very effective is phytocollecting. For preparation of infusion it is necessary to take two parts of a grass of a Labrador tea, two parts of a cowberry leaf, two parts of a train, two parts of a camomile. To fill in two tablespoons of collecting with a half of liter of boiled water. To boil ten minutes, then to insist from 30 to 40 minutes, to filter. To accept on a third of a glass three times a day after food.

At rheumatism phytocollecting which part four parts of leaves of a birch drooping, two parts of flowers of elder black, two parts of leaves of a nettle, one part of a grass of a yarrow, three parts of a meadowsweet vyazolistny, two parts of a linden, two parts of a horsetail field are will help with the acute period. To make one teaspoon of collecting by a glass of boiled water, to insist. To drink instead of tea for all day. That there was no accustoming to herbs, it is possible to change structure of phytocollecting a little.

At rheumatism of joints to the struck places it is possible to rub the mix prepared in house conditions. For its preparation it is necessary to take one and a half glasses of juice of a radish, a glass of apitoxin, a half of a glass of vodka, one tablespoon of salt.

At rheumatism of joints as anesthetic and a calmative it is possible to apply juniper ointment with bay leaf to rubbing in. For preparation of ointment it is necessary to take six parts of the mix of bay leaf crushed in powder and to pound it with butter (12 parts).

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