Main > Diseases> Rhinitis



According to eurysynusic opinion if to treat responsibly business of treatment of rhinitis (in use – cold), then it is possible to get rid of it at most in seven days. If to let matters drift and to patiently transfer sufferings without any treatment, then cold will pass independently in a week. Partly in this belief there is some grain of truth, but actually cold to cold – discord, and in this article the reader has an opportunity to get acquainted with a disease rhinitis closer.

If to speak shortly, rhinitis represents the inflammatory rhinedema caused by penetration of an infection, overcooling or influence of allergic substances. More detailed characteristics of a disease: features of treatment, the reason and symptoms of rhinitis depend on classification by types.

Types of rhinitis

The enlarged classification of rhinitis is presented by two main groups:

1. Infectious rhinitises

2. The vasculomotor rhinitises (which are not caused by an infection)

Infectious rhinitises are subdivided into the following subspecies:

- acute

- chronic

- hypertrophic

- atrophic

- catarral

- ozena (atrophic fetid rhinitis)

Vasculomotor rhinitises share on:

- allergic rhinitis

- neurovegetative rhinitis

Rhinitis reasons

The main reason causing a disease of acute rhinitis is the result of penetration into a mucous membrane of nasal passes of a bacterial or viral infection. Also rhinitis is the frequent satellite of such serious infectious diseases as gonorrhea, measles, diphtheria, scarlet fever and flu.

In most cases chronic rhinitis is continuation of not completely cured acute rhinitis. In addition chronic rhinitis can be provoked by continuous influence of negative factors of the environment (for example, at the people working at harmful productions), or the broken local blood circulation.

As the nature of developing of noninfectious vasculomotor rhinitis serve deviations from normal functioning of mechanisms of neuroreflex reactions of an organism to external irritants. Can be among such irritants: pungent smells, influence of cold air, etc. that finally leads to excessively active reaction from mucous a nose.

Specialists connect developing of allergic rhinitis first of all with specific features of a mucous membrane of a nose at some people. In particular, with excessive sensitivity to various irritants, so-called exogenous allergens. Also to the reasons causing allergic rhinitis carry the raised sensitization to viral and bacterial infections.

Rhinitis symptoms

Rhinitis symptoms in an acute form are well-known literally to everyone. This frequent sneezing, burning in nasal passes, the plentiful expirations from a nose of mucous character taking a mucopurulent form at further development of a disease.

Symptoms of chronic rhinitis are shown by considerable decrease in olfactory functions, a hyperemia and a thickening of a mucous membrane of a nose. Allocations from nasal passes dense and mucous. At atrophic chronic rhinitis characteristic symptoms are dryness and a congestion in a nose, formation of crusts on mucous or purulent discharges.

Symptoms of vasculomotor rhinitis are shown in the form of the pristupoobrazny sneezing accompanied with dacryagogue, a congestion of nasal passes, plentiful watery allocations.

At allergic rhinitis the hyperplasia of a mucous membrane of a nose is noted. Clinical symptoms depend on specific allergen. Seasonal allergic rhinitis is followed by a nose congestion, the complicated breath, a constant itch in a nose and plentiful allocations.

Treatment of rhinitis

Лечение ринита

For treatment of rhinitis in an acute form it is possible to manage house means. The good effect in an initial stage of a disease gives use of foot hot baths (temperature about 45 °C). It is desirable to lower legs in water not below knees, and also to add to it dry mustard. After acceptance the glass of hot herbal tea is recommended to take baths (from a dogrose, currant, leaves of raspberry, lime color, etc.). After that to put on legs dry, it is desirable woolen socks and to lay down, having wrapped up more warmly, in a bed.

Also perfectly proved in treatment of rhinitis in an acute stage of inhalation with essential oils. Perfectly help to facilitate symptoms and to cope with a disease of oil of a tea tree, an eucalyptus, mint, a lemon, lavender. If acute rhinitis has allergic character, then it is necessary to belong to use of essential oils with care and previously to consult with the attending physician.

Treatment of rhinitis of a chronic form, infectious and vasculomotor rhinitis shall be performed under control of LOR-specialists and include the following complex events:

- medicinal therapy;

- physical therapy;

- the methods directed to the general strengthening of an organism.

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