
Rice is groat culture and concerns to family Cereals. This cultivated plant grows generally in tropical and subtropical regions of the planet, in particular, in Asia, America, Africa and Australia.

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One of the most widespread crops is sowing campaign rice, to all other belonging to a number of the most ancient food crops. Domestication of rice contains more than 9 thousand years.

In our country the word "rice" began to be used only at the end of the 19th century, before it was called "saratsinsky wheat" or "saratsinsky grain", a bit later – "the Sorochinsk millet".

Rice in the modern world is used everywhere, however, approaches to its use differ. Conditionally they are divided on "east" which is characteristic of the countries of Asia and, respectively, "western" which is preferred in the countries of Europe and America. In the countries of Asia rice is an alternative to potatoes and wheat and makes a basis of many dishes. East culture of the use of rice in food is also curious: so, residents of the countries of Asia eat with hands the rice which stuck together in lumps, the same rule concerns also some sushi. Long-grain rice, friable and steamed, it is accepted to eat with sticks.

A variety of grades of a cereal is so big that to this day problematic their calculation is represented. To the most modest measures the kind of this cereal reaches 1000 grades. Classification of rice is carried out in several parameters: a type of processing, grain length, the price – here only some of them.

Nutrition value, structure and caloric content of rice

Despite variety of grades of rice, structure of a cereal it is almost identical. The product is vitamin-rich groups B, and also E and PP. Useful elements in its structure: iron, zinc, calcium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium.

Nutrition value of rice consists of the following indicators: 6,7 g of proteins; 0,7 g of fats; 78,9 g of carbohydrates. Caloric content of rice is defined, generally by the high content of carbohydrates. However it should not frighten those who keep a figure. The matter is that the carbohydrates which are contained in a cereal – difficult, so they for a long time sate and give energy to an organism, being slowly soaked up and acquired by an organism. Because the feeling of satiety even at the small use of this cereal comes quickly and lasts long. In spite of the fact that rice caloric content at the same time is rather high – about 344 Kcal on 100 g, it is almost impossible to exceed the day need for calories with it in connection with the above described properties.

Along with it rice consists for 8% from proteinaceous connections. It is also important to note that gluten – the phytalbumin guilty of developing of an allergy, – does not contain in it.

Useful properties of rice

Useful properties of rice of various grades are highly appreciated in the different countries throughout the millennia.

Thanks to the high content of potassium this product neutralizes salt from an organism, does not contain it. Such property of rice allows to recommend it at the diseases demanding observance of a diet with the low content of salt. Generally it concerns diseases of joints, and also disturbances, work-related kidneys or cardiovascular activity.

The complex of vitamins of group B which is contained in a cereal improves a condition of hair, skin and nails, and also strengthens a nervous system and participates in formation of energy from nutrients.

The advantage of rice at disturbances of functions of digestive tract is caused by the starch and cellulose which are contained in it which envelop and protect mucous. Quite often thanks to such property the rice diet is recommended at gastritises and ulcers. Rice broth is good and at diarrhea and a gastric disturbance.

Besides, specialists are sure that the advantage of rice directly depends on its grade. So, the crude brown rice contains much more mineral substances, than cleared white as those are in its peel.

Black rice, along with those useful substances that contain in white, is also characterized by availability of antioxidants at the expense of what it is recommended to be used to patients with cancer diseases.

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Harm of rice

At all indisputable advantage of rice it is not recommended to use it in large numbers. Especially it concerns the purified white rice. According to opinions of nutritionists, such rice is the refined product which excessive and frequent use leads to development of a diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases.

Work of digestive tract can be not only is improved thanks to the rice use, but also worsened at its unlimited acceptance in food. The matter is that cellulose and starch which help at diarrhea are capable to cause locks and to stop work of intestines. Similar harm of rice at the same time does not depend on its grade.

It is considered also that this cereal belongs to the products causing an allergy. Because at the adults and children inclined to allergic reactions, the use of rice is capable to cause rash, an itch and other symptoms of an allergy.

At last, harm of rice is swept up at its wrong combination to other products. As it contains a huge amount of carbohydrates, it is not recommended to be used together with the food containing high percent of fat. Otherwise instead of a rice diet of the eater waits for a set of weight.

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