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Our spinach does not enjoy such popularity as, for example, in France. There it grows everywhere, and his people "king" and "the broom for a stomach" call.


Spinach – an annual vegetable plant from family of the Goosefoot family. There was it in the Middle East for several thousands of years B.C., in Persia, and several centuries later Arabs brought it to Spain.

According to the Chinese chronicles dated the 7th century of our era to China spinach was delivered from Nepal. It got to India much later when it was already eurysynusic across all Europe. Soon learned to grow up spinach in many countries, and after discovery of America it got and there. Today this plant is very widespread there. And here residents of Russia treat it slightly more cool. For the first time in Russia spinach it is mentioned in the 18th century when its began to grow up in many regions. And already by the end of the 19th century it became one of widely cultivated cultures of residents of Kiev, Odessa, St. Petersburg.

Spinach has no pronounced taste as other vegetables. Besides, it is stored not for long, unlike other garden cultures and quickly loses the properties.

Nevertheless, useful properties spinach has much. And some specialists in general consider that spinach surpasses many other garden vegetables in the advantage, in particular those that grow in our latitudes.

Spinach in cookery

Spinach has property to quickly spoil and lose the useful properties therefore it is necessary to train him as soon as possible after collecting. Only this way it is possible to receive the best taste and to lose the smallest amount of vitamins. If spinach does not manage to be made at once, then it will be best of all to be frozen. The frozen spinach can be stored up to eight months.

It is eaten in a fresh or boiled look, used as a stuffing for pies, baked, added to snack and salads, sauces. The food industry does dyes, seasonings and canned food of spinach.

From spinach very tasty and easy soup which helps the best digestion of meat and fish turns out. Perfectly it is combined with cheese, bacon and cream.

Undoubtedly, it is better to use fresh spinach. And here boiled spinach is recommended to people with lumbar pains – it appears, it helps to get rid of them.

Structure and caloric content of spinach

At spinach there are carbohydrates, proteins, and also fats, organic, unsaturated and saturated fatty acids, starch, cellulose, sugar, RR vitamins, E, C, N, And, groups B, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, copper, iron, zinc, potassium, selenium. Besides, leaves of spinach contain a lot of protein, almost as much how many in green peas and young haricot.

Of course, as a part of other vegetables there is also a set of useful substances, but such rich composition of minerals and vitamins as in spinach, meets quite seldom therefore the advantage of spinach cannot be underestimated.

And here caloric content at spinach low also makes only 22 kcal on 100 g of a product therefore nutritionists advise to use it to the people aiming at decrease in body weight.

Useful properties of spinach

Spinach supplies an organism with nutrients, removes toxins and slags. Thanks to the high content of carotene and iron spinach does hemoglobin more active and the organism is quicker and better supplied with oxygen.

Thanks to high nutritiousness and low caloric content spinach promotes development by an organism of energy and normalizes a metabolism therefore it is very useful as dietary food. It is included surely in a diet at a diabetes mellitus, diseases of a nervous system, exhaustion, a coloenteritis and gastritis.

Besides, doctors recommend to use regularly spinach in the preventive purposes and for treatment of various diseases. For example, he does gums and teeth it is stronger and healthier, prevents development of cancer tumors and anemia, normalizes activity of intestines, strengthens blood vessels, improves work of a pancreas.

Spinach is so effective at oncological diseases that doctors recommend it as an additional diet at radiation therapy.

Spinach brings huge benefit to pregnant women and small children as at its structure there are all minerals and vitamins, necessary for an organism. This vegetable is perfectly acquired thanks to the content in it of the substances stimulating work as a pancreas and sialadens.

It is possible to refer its tonic, easy diuretic, antiinflammatory and laxative action to useful properties of spinach. He protects mucous membranes from damage, normalizes carbohydrate metabolism, participates in production of important hormones for an organism, recovers working capacity and reduces stress.

Spinach contains a lot of chlorophyll and celluloses that stimulates work of intestines and saves from locks.

The few know that spinach bears advantage also for eyes, at its structure there is Luteinum and other substances which protect us from such serious disease as dystrophy of a retina of eyes. Besides, Luteinum has property to collect in tissues of eyes that reduces fatigue during the work at the computer and improves visual acuity.

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Treatment by spinach

In traditional medicine widely use useful properties of spinach for treatment of various diseases. So that to fill up stocks of energy and to reduce fatigue, it is enough to drink fresh juice of spinach on an empty stomach in morning. Besides, juice stimulates work of many bodies, including intestines, kidneys and a liver, and also is useful at dry cough and asthma. At inflammations of almonds juice rinse a throat, and at inflammations of gums – a mouth.

That children grew better and were healthy, it is useful for them to give the spinach juice mixed in equal proportions with almond oil. And fresh leaves put on abscesses and vinegar of insects. For treatment of eczema and burns do paste of leaves. For this purpose leaves of spinach are cooked in olive oil. Also this paste is used for removal of freckles.

And in America adults try to accustom children as soon as possible there is a spinach as it promotes the correct development of bones, to growth and rickets warns.

Thanks to low caloric content spinach is extremely popular for the people aiming at weight loss. With these purposes it can be added practically to any dish. Because of its neutral taste it is possible not to be afraid to spoil a dish addition of this vegetable.

Harm of spinach

If higher many words about advantage of spinach were told, it is necessary to mention its harm. So, for example, in it there is a lot of oxalic acid therefore the people having diseases of kidneys and urinary tract (an urolithiasis, nephrite) should not use it. Besides, it is contraindicated at diseases of a liver, biliary tract, rheumatism, gout, an ulcer of a 12-tiperstny gut.

It is also worth noting that leaves of spinach can accumulate nitrates therefore at its use in the medical purposes and for baby food it is necessary to consider this circumstance.

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