Main > Diseases> Silicosis


General characteristic of a disease


The silicosis is among occupational diseases. Arises after long inhalation of the dust containing free silicon dioxide. Most often the silicosis of lungs occurs at the people connected with ore mining, metallurgical, farforofayansovy and mechanical engineering industry.

The greatest danger to the person is constituted by finely divided dust which diameter of particles makes 2-3 nanometers. They easily get into bronchioles and alveoluses, promote development of fibrosis and other pathologies. Let's note that weight of symptoms and quantity of complications depends on quantity and duration of influence of silicon compounds. If concentration of harmful substances in air considerably exceeds norm, and at the same time workers do not use individual protection equipment, then for 1-3 years they develop an acute form of a silicosis.

Unlike a pneumoconiosis, the disease differs in a favorable current, however, treatment of a silicosis often is complicated by accession of tubercular process and other disturbances of normal functioning of bodies of respiratory system. Besides, at an acute form the pneumosclerosis and other complications continue to progress also after the termination of contacts with silicon dioxide that also exerts impact on success of treatment.

Symptoms and clinical picture of a disease

During a long period a disease the silicosis does not disturb the patient in any way that is explained by its chronic current. Initial symptomatology scanty:

  • asthma, especially at exercise stresses;
  • pains in a thorax;
  • rare, dry cough;
  • expectoration.

In process of progressing of pathological process, symptoms begin to prove more brightly. An asthma amplifies, often arises even at rest. The accompanying diseases, for example, bronchial asthma and chronic bronchitis join a basic disease. Also intensity of pain amplifies. Cough continues to remain dry, occasionally at patients department of a phlegm is observed. Its large number demonstrates emergence of complications (bronchiectasias, chronic bronchitis).

Outward of patients practically does not change, but at X-ray inspection and attentive survey of the patient it is possible to find early symptoms of emphysema, reduction of mobility of pulmonary edges and weakening of breath. In some cases the silicosis of lungs can be determined by rigid breath and dry rattles.

At the expressed disease forms cough becomes constant, the plentiful phlegm is allocated, the stethalgia amplifies, the feeling of squeezing in a thorax, cyanosis appears. At some patients the pneumorrhagia and disturbance of activity of cardiovascular system is observed. The further contact with the dust containing quartz leads to development of hypertrophic process and causes changes in a mucous membrane of upper respiratory tracts.

Treatment of a silicosis

Лечение силикоза

First of all it is necessary to exclude any contacts with silicon dust. Further to patients appoint inhalations of oxygen and respiratory gymnastics. It is not recommended to accept sedative and anti-hypertensive means during this period. The acute silicosis of lungs means carrying out bronchoalveolar lavage. At an obstructive syndrome appoint bronchial spasmolytics.

If skin tests with tuberculine are positive, then patients have to accept antitubercular drugs, for example, "Isoniazid". At a tuberculosilicosis when a disease the silicosis and tuberculosis are combined, to patients appoint not less than 3 antituberculous remedies including rifampicin.

At heavy disease with development of massive fibrosis doctors incline to need of surgical intervention which consists in transplantation of lungs.

Treatment of a silicosis is necessary as otherwise the disease causes a set of complications and provokes emergence of the accompanying diseases of respiratory tracts, in particular: pheumothorax, pulmonary hypertensia, emphysema of lungs, tuberculosis, fungal pulmonary infection.

Forecasts of treatment of a silicosis depend on the nature of a disease and its stage. The chronic silicosis proceeds almost asymptomatically and at initial stages forecasts are almost always favorable. The acute or chronic progressing silicosis of lungs, on the contrary, creates numerous complications, lead to emergence of fibrosis of pulmonary fabrics and secondary pulmonary hypertensia. There is also a wish to notice that at these forms of a disease adverse changes continue to be shown even after complete cessation of contacts with a silicon oxide.

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