Main > Food stuffs> Mackerel


Many people consider her too fat fish, but the experienced cook always with pleasure will undertake preparation of a mackerel, from it it is possible to create a real miracle.


The mackerel concerns to Skumbriyev' family of the sort Scomber. Other types are outnumbered by the Atlantic mackerel called also by a mackerel and belonging to group of okuneobrazny. This fish is found in the Atlantic Ocean. She can be met on east coast, since the Canary Islands and to Iceland, and also in the Marble, Baltic, Northern and Mediterranean seas. Fish is widespread on the western coast from the cape Gatteras (State of North Carolina) and to Labrador. During summer migrations fish can be met on the southwest coasts of Ireland and in the North Sea from Skagerak to English Channel.

One more kind of a mackerel – Kuril or Japanese – lives from East Argentina to Nova Scotia, and also from the Sea of Japan and Northern Sakhalin to Australia. This fish also is widespread in the Indian Ocean, in the Persian and Aden gulfs.

Length of a mackerel averages about 30 cm, but also giants about 60 cm sometimes meet. Fish has a spindle-shaped body and small scales. There is no spin of a blue-green color with numerous black strips, slightly curved, a swimming bubble.

Mackerel – gregarious thermophilic fish. For it optimum water temperature are 8-20 degrees Celsius, and she prefers to winter along a slope of a continental shallow at a depth from 150 m. Preferential packs of mackerels represent big fishes of identical size, also in pack will practically not meet fish of other look.

The mackerel is a valuable food fish, thanks to the fact that meat at it juicy and gentle. Many consider a fresh mackerel too fat fish possessing a pungent smell therefore prefer to be limited to preserved food and canned food from it or to eat her smoked option. However experienced cooks assure that preparation of a mackerel is capable to bring true pleasure. For example, from it it is possible to prepare the most tasty fish shish kebab. At the same time fish there is even no need to pickle, rather simply to sprinkle it lemon juice. Italy often prepares a mackerel "in a naval way" (bake fish with lemon juice, bay leaf, pepper and capers). Preparation of a mackerel also is popular in Japan. There it is just fried in hot fan in vinegar and soy sauce and given together with vegetables.

The mackerel is perfectly combined with sourish sauces, for example, from a gooseberry or a cranberry. Acid softens fat taste of fish a little, doing it to less luscious. Also the mackerel is good with tomato, onions and white wine sauce.

Structure and caloric content of a mackerel

Mackerel – quite fat small fish. About 13-30 g of fat are the share of 100 g of a product. The fish caught in winter time in northern latitudes differs in special fat content. Proteins the mackerel contains about 18 g on 100 g of a product. These proteins treat the category of fast-acquired and are acquired by an organism almost three times quicker, than beef meat.

Despite high content of fat, caloric content of a mackerel quite low also makes about 200 kcal. It turns out to consume day norm of calories, to the person will be to eat 700 g of fish enough. Nevertheless, to make it it will be quite problematic, it was already said above that, despite low caloric content, the mackerel contains a lot of fat.

Undoubted advantage of a mackerel are the unsaturated fatty acids which are its part. They are a valuable product and carry out a role of antioxidants, that is promote neutralization of free radicals and strengthening of membranes of cells.

Radicals have property to punch cellular membranes, breaking that their life activity that often leads to developing of various diseases, in particular oncological. Therefore for prevention it is important to person to consume valuable products including the fish oil rich with unsaturated fatty acids.

Also the advantage of a mackerel consists in a large amount of various mineral substances. It contains zinc, fluorine, phosphorus, sodium, sulfur, manganese, potassium – and these are still not all useful substances which are a part of its meat. Are available in it and PP, A, C vitamins, group B vitamins which also B12 vitamin which accepts участиев metabolism of fats is among promotes DNA synthesis, and at a hypoxia increases level of consumption of oxygen cells.

Advantage of a mackerel

Thanks to rich chemical composition the advantage of a mackerel is obvious to children. This is an irreplaceable small fish for their harmonious and correct development. Fish also will be also useful to pregnant women and the feeding women as she promotes a lactation. And for teenagers this fish is a valuable product as in awkward age it is often possible to observe an imbalance between development of internal and external bodies. The mackerel is capable to smooth this process.

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Besides, thanks to the high content of phosphorus the mackerel is very useful to our musculoskeletal system.

The advantage of a mackerel consists also in normalization of level of sugar in blood, decrease in cells of carcinogenic substances, increase in immunity, prevention of cardiovascular problems, regulation of level of hormones, pressure decrease, strengthenings of a nervous system and memory, digestion normalization. And unsaturated fatty acids are very useful to a human brain, especially back, a hair, skin and mucous membranes.


The boiled mackerel has practically no contraindications, and here smoked or salty is contraindicated to people with heart diseases and problems with a GIT. Because of high content of fat the mackerel is contraindicated to people with chronic diseases of a liver and kidneys.

Whether you know that:

In Great Britain there is a law according to which the surgeon can refuse to do to the patient operation if he smokes or has excess weight. The person has to refuse addictions, and then, perhaps, he will not need an operative measure.