Main > Drugs> Sodekor


International name SODECOR.Содекор

Active ingredient

Sodekor represents tincture of aqueous-alcoholic extraction from mix of medicinal plants.

For production of 1000 ml of Sodekor use:

• Sea-buckthorn krushinovidny fresh fruits of 5,00 g;

• Roots of a dandelion of medicinal 2,70 g;

• Coriander fruits of 0,04 g;

• Pines Siberian cedar nut of 0,40 g;

• Bark of cinnamon of 4,52 g;

• Cardamom fruits of 4,06 g;

• Roots of a glycyrrhiza of 0,06 g;

• Buds of a carnation of 2,71 g;

• An inula roots with rhizomes of 27,31 g;

• Ginger of a medicinal rhizome of 2,50 g;

• The water purified about 1000 ml;

• Alcohol of 95% - 622,4 ml.

According to the instruction in Sodekore the level of concentration of alcohol makes not less than 40%. Sodekor represents the liquid of red-brown color possessing a characteristic smell.

Pharmacological action of Sodekor

Drug has all-tonic, fortifying, radio tire-tread effect, increases nonspecific resistance of an organism, having antiinflammatory effect, improves intellectual and physical effeciency.

Indications to Sodekor's use

It is applied at an adynamy, as supportive application during recovery of an organism after a disease, at treatment of pneumonia, at chronic and acute bronchitis, flu, acute respiratory diseases, at intensive exercise and intellectual stresses.

Also Sodekor at recovery is applied:

• After radiotheraphy;

• At treatment of a change;

• After psychotherapy;

• After surgical intervention;

• After chemotherapy.

It can be appointed as prophylactic in the period of epidemiological danger of flu and ORZ.


Arterial hypertension, hypersensitivity to Sodekor's components.

Side effects of Sodekor

Side effects can be shown in the form of allergic reactions. At exceeding of the recommended dosages the headache and increase in arterial pressure can be observed.Настойка Содекор

Application instruction and Sodekor's dosage

Sodekor inside, orally is applied. As a part of complex therapy the daily dosage makes 15-30 ml accepted 1-3 times a day. The course of therapy lasts from three weeks to one month. Before use drug is dissolved in 200 ml of clear water or tea. The repeated course of acceptance of drug has to be coordinated with the doctor.

As prevention Sodekor appoint 5 ml (one teaspoon) diluted in a small amount of water is accepted in 1-3 receptions a day, to half an hour to food. Duration of a preventive course is one month.

Before use, according to the instruction, Sodekor it is recommended to shake up.

Form of release of Sodekor

Sodekor is issued in glass bottles on 30-50-100-125 ml, and also in glass jars from 100 ml and more.

Storage conditions

Drug has to be in the place protected from light without access for children to it.

Period of validity

2 years.

Whether you know that:

Was considered earlier that yawning enriches an organism with oxygen. However this opinion was disproved. Scientists proved that yawning, the person cools a brain and improves its working capacity.