Main > Diagnostic methods> Spermogram


The spermogram represents the developed analysis of an ejaculate (sperm), a sperm research under a microscope. This analysis allows to estimate fertility of the man, that is his ability to conceive. Deviations of indicators of a spermogram from norm demonstrate decrease in a possibility of conception in the natural way. However similar deviations do not exclude probability of conception. Lead change of morphology of spermatozoa, physical and chemical properties of an ejaculate, existence of foreign components in sperm to decrease in fertility.

Preparation for a spermogram

In three-five days prior to a research it is necessary to exclude alcohol intake, medicines, especially antibiotics. It is forbidden to visit a bath and a sauna as the overheat of spermatozoa will lead to their death. Before a research it is necessary to avoid excessive nervousness and stresses. For this span sexual abstinence is obligatory.

Masturbation is considered the main way of receiving an ejaculate for a spermogram. By preparation for a research collect all sperm which was emitted at an ejaculation. Sperm for a spermogram (with the very first and latest portion) is collected in a plastic sterile container. Reliability of results of a research of sperm directly depends on transportation conditions, and also on time through which the container was brought to laboratory. It is preferable that the container was delivered within twenty minutes after an ejaculation. It is not necessary to receive for a spermogram sperm by means of the interrupted sexual intercourse, oral sexual intercourse, sexual intercourse in condom. Saliva, condom latex components, vulval allocations can negatively affect quality of an ejaculate. It is necessary for obtaining reliable and objective result that the spermogram was executed four times with a break in two weeks.

Norms for a spermogram

For a spermogram the following values of the main indicators are considered as norms:

  • semen volume (to 4 ml);
  • viscosity of sperm (to 0,5 cm);
  • concentration of spermatozoa (more than 20 million in 1 ml of semen);
  • quantity of spermatozoa (more than 60 million in semen);
  • mobility of spermatozoa (And> 25% or A+B> 50%);
  • morphology of spermatozoa (more than 20%);
  • quantity of live spermatozoa (more than 50%);
  • quantity of cells of a spermatogenesis (to 2%).

Interpretation of a spermogram

At a research, first of all, check sperm fluidifying time. At increase in time of fluidifying spermatozoa gain the full-fledged mobility longer. At very liquid semen the probability of fertilization considerably decreases. Viscosity of sperm is determined by length of the thread formed by sperm at running off from a special needle or a pipette. Increase in viscosity of an ejaculate is usually observed at a chronic inflammation of gonads – a vesiculitis or prostatitis.

Dense sperm on a spermogram testifies to possible male infertility. To define viscosity of sperm, she is brought together in the syringe and released through a special needle. Ejaculate volume is very important for the analysis. Optimum volume ejaculate volume to 4 ml is considered. The small volume of the emitted semen indicates very weak ability to fertilization and a problem with male health. Decrease in volume of semen demonstrates insufficient function of seed bubbles, a prostate. Exceeding of volume of an ejaculate can be connected with inflammatory process in gonads.

Normal color of sperm yellowish, white or grayish. Emergence of a brown or red shade of sperm happens at a chronic vesiculitis, a calculous form of prostatitis, injuries of generative organs. Sperm gains yellow color at the use of food dyes and some medicines.

Tells quantity of spermatozoa about a possibility of conception. It is possible to count quantity of spermatozoa by means of a special microscope. Normal quantity twenty million spermatozoa in one millimeter of an ejaculate are considered.

At interpretation of a spermogram special attention is paid by mobility of spermatozoa. The most mobile spermatozoa will connect to an ovum rather. The spermogram helps to define quantity of abnormal spermatozoa.

Disturbances of reproductive function are defined by means of acidity of semen. On a spermogram normal рН from 7,2 to 7,8 has to make sperms. The deviation рН from norm indicates a possible inflammation of gonads (a vesiculitis, prostatitis).

Reduction of quantity of spermatozoa on a spermogram is called an oligospermatism. The oligospermatism usually testifies to reduced overall performance of testicles. Work of testicles can be oppressed because of decrease in concentration in blood of male sex hormones, inflammatory process, the postponed toxic defeat of an epithelium of testicles, metabolism change. Polizoospermiya – the increased quantity of spermatozoa (more than 120 million/ml).

Mobility of spermatozoa – the most important indicator of a spermogram. On mobility spermatozoa can be divided into four groups:

  • group A – active spermatozoa with the rectilinear movement;
  • group B – slow-moving spermatozoa with the rectilinear movement;
  • group C – slow-moving spermatozoa with rotary or oscillating motion;
  • group D – motionless spermatozoa.

Astenozoospermiya – decrease in mobility of spermatozoa. Mobility of spermatozoa can decrease from various diseases and different thermal and toxic impacts on testicles.

The morphology of spermatozoa is considered very important indicator of a spermogram. This indicator of a spermogram reflects percentage of spermatozoa, capable to fertilization. A necrospermia – decrease in concentration of live spermatozoa. Agglutination (pasting of spermatozoa) can be observed at chronic inflammatory processes in male gonads. At agglutination mobility of spermatozoa almost always decreases.

Assessment of results of a spermogram

Более точный результат можно получить при расшифровке спермограммыInterpretation of a spermogram is carried usually out by the andrologist. If at interpretation of a spermogram all indicators appear within norm, then chances of bystry and successful conception are rather high. If there are any deviations, then approximately in a month appoint a repeated research. As results of a spermogram can vary, final conclusions can be drawn only after two-three researches. It should be noted that only by results of a spermogram it is impossible to make accurately the diagnosis as the probability of conception depends on many other factors – reproductive health of the woman, frequency and duration of sexual intercourse, and also age and a condition of the patient.

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