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Articles about children

Behavior of pregnant women
Поведение беременных

Changes in behavior of pregnant women are caused by change of a hormonal background. The woman becomes irritable, whining, emotionally...

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The pool for children
Бассейн для детей

Swimming is the universal way allowing to grow up the strong, healthy and tempered children. Gradually reducing temperature of waters...

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Features of behavior of the child
Особенности поведения ребенка

Features of behavior of the child, first of all, are defined by his mental development. In the last decades this aspect рассматриваетс...

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Influence of alcohol on development of a germ
Влияние алкоголя на развитие зародыша

Today harmful influence of alcohol on embryonic development of a fruit at anybody does not raise doubts, already in the late sixties took place...

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Conducting childbirth
Ведение родов

The final stage of any pregnancy is childbirth. Correctness of conducting childbirth in many respects defines the state of health of mother and child...

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Disturbances of intellectual development in children
Нарушения умственного развития у детей

Happens that the child considerably differs from the peers – he does not cope with the fact that he comes to other children easily, and it умствен...

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Correction of behavior of the child
Коррекция поведения ребенка

Unfortunately, even more often modern children are subject to various psychoemotional deviations which can be shown at different age...

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Disturbance of intelligence at children
Нарушение интеллекта у детей

Disturbance of intelligence at children is characterized by doctors as the mental retardation caused various on weight and localization органическ...

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Children with deviations in behavior
Дети с отклонениями в поведении

In each society there are certain standards of mental health, the right, culture and morals. Public norms often suppress Ince...

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Children with a hearing disorder
Дети с нарушением слуха

Hearing disorder – loss of ability of a human body to find all frequencies or to distinguish sounds with a low amplitude. I distinguish...

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Emotional disturbances at children
Эмоциональные нарушения у детей

Certainly, all loving parents care about health of the kids. However often mothers and fathers pay attention only to physical...

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Children with a vision disorder
Дети с нарушением зрения

Children with problems of visual acuity have features in development and demand other approach to training, than those who see well. Before всег...

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Difficult disturbances in development in children
Сложные нарушения в развитии у детей

When in a family children with difficult disturbances of development are born, life shares on "to" and "later". And if parents did not refuse from ребенк...

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Children with disturbances in development
Дети с нарушениями в развитии

The number of children with disturbances steadily grows in development. Now about 4,5% of total number of the children living in Russia, отн...

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Social adaptation of children
Социальная адаптация детей

Understand specially organized continuous educational process of accustoming of the child to conditions as social adaptation of children with...

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Adaptation of orphan children
Адаптация детей-сирот

Adaptation of orphan children raises the questions of their active adaptation to life in the conditions of orphanage or a foster home. With everyone year...

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Development of children with disturbances of the speech
Развитие детей с нарушениями речи

Formation of the speech at the child is one of the main characteristics of his general development. Most often disturbances of formation of the speech of a nablyud...

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Esthetic education of children
Эстетическое воспитание детей

Among various directions of education at preschool age independently there is an esthetic education of children. It develops at the Rebbe...

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Disturbances of physical development in children
Нарушения физического развития у детей

Before speaking about the main reasons for disturbance of development of an organism in children, it is important to deal with the key concepts connected with эт...

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Forms of education of children
Формы воспитания детей

Understand as a form of education of children the developed image of interaction of the teacher and children. It is characterized by a combination of means and methods...

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