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Pork tongue

For a long time meat – the most popular component of a daily diet of the person. Pork – one of the most widespread types of meat. Pork contains a significant amount of zinc, iron, amino acids, vitamin B (especially B12). Proteins of pork are brought most closer to natural proteins. Thanks to the useful components pork is considered an irreplaceable product which promotes decrease in risk of cardiovascular diseases, development of physical health. Red meat is considered useful, in it it is less cholesterol, than in chicken or beef. Besides this type of meat contains the myoglobin which is responsible for movement of oxygen on muscles.

Свиной язык свежий

Pork tongue is considered an offal of the first category. On nutrition value this delicacy concedes only to meat of the first grade. The weight of one pork tongue varies ranging from 250 to 450 grams. It has gentle structure and pleasant taste therefore this product is in stable demand.

Structure and caloric content of pork tongue

Hundred grams of a product contain 65,1 mg of water, 50 mg of cholesterol, 5,1 mg of saturated fatty acids and 1 g of ashes.

Pork tongue - the supplier of such valuable biologically active agents as group B vitamins, vitamins E and RR, potassium, calcium, sodium, manganese, iron, cobalt.

Caloric content of pork tongue makes 208 kcal on hundred grams of a product. From them on proteins 34 kcal, are the share of fats – 115 kcal, of carbohydrates – 59 kcal. Such structure provides 10% of necessary calories of standard daily rate.

Advantage of pork tongue

Advantage of pork tongue not only that he acts as a fine source of biologically active agents, but also that this delicacy is also a valuable supplier of protein in a human body. It is put out the tongue to the use at teenagers during active growth, to the athletes, people who had severe injuries. The prepared language perfectly exercises also for baby food judgment. The advantage of pork tongue for the people having anemia, diseases of kidneys, infectious diseases and also after frostbites and burns is indisputable.

Harm of pork

As language contains a large amount of cholesterol, it is contraindicated at atherosclerosis. In a human body fat of this product turns into cholesterol. And cholesterol, as we know, promotes emergence of fatty plaques and increases risk of development of a heart attack and stroke. The use of pork tongue is contraindicated and at liver diseases, and also at cholecystitis and gastritis. In pork including language, contains a significant amount of the histamine provoking various allergic reactions which are quite often leading to development of eczemas, dermatitis, flegny, abscesses, and also thrombophlebitis and appendicitis.

Ways of preparation of pork tongue

There is a set of recipes of dishes from pork tongue. Generally it is cold appetizers, aspic, salads. However those who keeps a figure should not abuse this product. High caloric content of pork tongue promotes emergence of undesirable extra kilos.

Свиной язык отварной

Before boiling this delicacy is presoaked in water as in the raw from it the skin very badly is removed. At pork tongue specific smack therefore it is very important to train him correctly. Language is boiled under densely closed cover by about three hours, with addition of a root of parsley, bay leaf and onions. The received broth is named Ram. Ram is very nutritious and useful. At the same time everyone half an hour replace water for cooking. After boiling the ready-made product is lowered in cold water for several seconds to subcooling and after that skin. Ram can be filtered through a gauze and to store in the refrigerator. To a table it is the best of all to serve pork tongue with grated horse-radish and vinegar.

Boiled language can be used in various salads, to add to mushrooms and an asparagus or to make meat rolls or home-made sausage on its basis. Ram can also be used for preparation of aspic, home-made noodles and other dishes.

If language is baked in a package or a foil, then clear only it after full preparation. After roasting, having slightly cooled language, remove from it a skin.

From a smoked delicacy the skin very easily is removed. If the skin badly is removed, then language still was insufficiently boiled thoroughly.

Whether you know that:

The 74-year-old resident of Australia James Harrison became blood donor about 1000 times. It has a rare blood group which antibodies help to survive the newborn with a severe form of anemia. Thus, the Australian saved about two million children.