Main > Medical terms> Ventilation of the lungs is artificial

Ventilation of the lungs is artificial

Ventilation of the lungs ventilatio artificial (Latin – airing; synonym: an artificial respiration) – a way of maintenance in a gas exchange organism by means of periodic artificial moving of air or other gas mix to lungs and then back to the environment.

Types of ventilation of the lungs artificial:

  • Automatic – at which the required level of tension of carbonic acid in blood is supported automatically;
  • Asynchronous – at which in the period of an inspiratory phase of one lung is made an expiratory phase of other lung;
  • Auxiliary – carried out at preservation of a rhythm and shortage of volume of natural breath at which in lungs on a breath the additional amount of gas mix (air) is forced;
  • "From a mouth in a nose" – expiratory ventilation of the lungs artificial at which air is blown into the victim's nose;
  • "From a mouth in a mouth" – expiratory ventilation of the lungs artificial at which air is blown into the victim's mouth;
  • Expiratory – at which blows air into lungs of the victim a mouth of people, giving help;
  • Electrostimulating – at which a breath is caused by means of electric irritation of respiratory muscles or phrenic nerves.
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