Main > Medical terms> Seaweed


Algae – group of the autotrophic, preferential water, containing a chlorophyll inferior plants which are not dismembered on stalks roots and leaves and are capable to acquire carbon dioxide in the course of photosynthesis; are the power supply of fauna of reservoirs; many of species of seaweed serve as raw materials in medical and other industries, and also are applied in food of people and go on a forage a farm animal.

Allocate seaweed:

  • Phaeophyta – one of types of the multicellular algas including in structure in addition to a chlorophyll, a golden-brown pigment fucoxanthin; separate species of seaweed brown, such as laminariyevy (laminaria), eat, including for dietary food (at a craw, atherosclerosis);
  • Chlorophyta – type of multicellular and one-celled seaweed at which cells there are chlorolayers including in structure except a chlorophyll, xanthophyll and carotene; some of types of cabbage-weeds (for example, an ulva, an enteromorfa) eat, and the chlorella is considered perspective for use as a link of the closed ecological life support systems, for example, in spaceships;
  • Rhodophyta – type of the multicellular sea deep-water seaweed containing except a chlorophyll, a pigment phycoerythrin; some of types of lavers (for example, porphyry) are eaten, are an initial product for receiving iodine (fillofor) and an agar (anfelcia seaweed);
  • Cyanophyta – type of seaweed at which cells have no chlorolayers and morphologically isolated kernel, and in cytoplasm, except xanthophyll, carotene and a chlorophyll enters a blue pigment phycocyanin; some of seaweed blue-green participate in formation of therapeutic muds.
Whether you know that:

The most rare disease – a disease the Kura. Only representatives of the tribe Faure in New Guinea are ill it. The patient dies of laughter. It is considered that eating of a human brain is an origin of a disease.