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Types of diets

Типы диет в зависимости от цели - лечебные и для коррекции фигурыDiet – the special mode and a food allowance defining amount of food, its chemical composition and physical properties, and also ways of culinary processing of products and intervals of meal; the food corresponding to a sex, age, a way of life, a profession, the state of health of the person and providing achievement of goals.

Difficult definition of the simple term lets know that the diet is a way of achievement of a definite purpose by change of a diet. A variety of the purposes defines a set of types of diets. What principles are the cornerstone of options of diets? What types of diets the most effective? What ways of diets exist?

Main types of diets: principles of classification

Any of diets is observed with a definite purpose: improvement of an organism, obstacle to development of diseases, correction of weight and shapes of a body. Depending on the pursued purpose, it is possible to allocate two main types of diets:

  • The medical diets applied to correction of states and patient's symptoms for the purpose of improvement of an organism;
  • Diets for correction of forms and body weight.

The medical type of diets is also called medical tables. Such diets are developed by nutritionists and are appointed proceeding from functional, exchange, pathomorphologic, enzymatic and other disturbances in an organism. The medical type of diets creates an optimum background for performing therapy, promoting strengthening of effect of drugs, making medical impact, and also helping to avoid side effects from a GIT. Medical diets are appointed for prevention of transition of some diseases from acute in chronic forms.

Diets for correction of weight and shapes of a body can be directed as to weight loss and achievement of esthetically attractive relief, and to a set of weight.

On the term of observance allocate bystry diets and long. The Bystry type of a diet, as a rule, combines the diets kept no more than 5 days while long diets are kept of 3 weeks and more.

On restriction of a diet allocate the following types of diets:

  • The diets limiting amount of the eaten food – reduction of a usual diet without change of the menu;
  • The diets limiting food caloric content – an exception of a diet of high-calorific products;
  • The diets limiting the meal mode – special type of the diets constructed on observance of intervals between meals (fractional food);
  • The diets limiting ratios of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Principles of diets: main mechanisms of weight reduction

Before understanding what basic principles of diets, it is necessary to define at the expense of what there can be a weight reduction:

  • Clarification of an organism from slags, the actual clarification of a GIT, removal of liquid from an organism;
  • Burning of fatty deposits as an alternative energy source, at a lack of receipt of food from the outside – such effect is reached when the number of the calories coming to an organism with food are much less than necessary number of calories for maintenance of normal functioning of an organism.

The majority of types of diets are based on these two principles. So, allocate the following types of diets:

  • The clearing diets are, as a rule, bystry diets at the heart of which a large number of fresh vegetables and fruit, the fermented milk products promoting clarification of a GIT. The effect reached at such type of diets is swept up practically at once, however its fixing requires also change of a usual diet;
  • The diets reconstructing a metabolism – the majority of long diets which allow not only to lose effectively weight belongs to such type of diets, but also to develop healthy habits in food.

Options of diets: how to choose the most effective diet

Let's consider the main types of diets, their options, and also advantages and shortcomings. For the choice of the most effective diet it should be taken into account much more factors, than a diet, duration of a diet and severity of restriction. The choice of the most effective option of a diet has to be based on the principle "Do not do much harm!".Варианты диет по типу питания

Low-calorie types of diets (the Japanese diet, a diet the Valley, a vegetable diet) – diets, allowing to reconstruct exchange processes in an organism, strengthening a lipolysis (process of splitting of fatty deposits). More than 14 days in order to avoid organism exhaustion do not recommend to keep to such diets. Such type of diets, as a rule, is followed by the following side effects from a nervous system:

  • Apathy;
  • Irritability;
  • Aggression;
  • Depression.

Such type of diets allows to get rid quickly of extra kilos, but after the mode of strict restriction of caloric content of food at return to a usual food allowance in an organism the return processes of a reserve of nutrients work.

Low-fat diets offer decrease in content of fats in a diet. Ornish's diet, Ginzburg's diet belong to such option of diets. The main lack of this kind of diets is slow weight reduction. Essential risk of reduction of amount of fats in a diet is deficit of irreplaceable fatty acids which are not synthesized in a human body, but are components of cellular membranes, stimulate processes of production of hormones, regulate a metabolism, promote digestion of fat-soluble vitamins.

The low-carbohydrate type of diets is based on the principle of decrease in content of carbohydrates in a diet which excess the organism transforms to fats. The known examples of this kind of diets are the Kremlin diet, Atkins's diet, Montinyak's method. At rather slow weight reduction very resistant result is achieved. The main lack of this kind of diets is a number of contraindications including chronic diseases of a liver, kidneys, a GIT, disbolism.

Monodiets offer the diet allowing the use only of one type of a product. Such way of a diet allows not to limit the use of a product. The most popular types of monodiets are buckwheat, rice, kefiric, potato, apple diets. The main lack of monodiets is inferiority of a diet that can lead to exhaustion and avitaminosis.

Other options of diets, contributing to normalization of weight, to improvement and clarification of an organism separate food, diets on a blood group, vegetarianism are (that belongs to a way of life and living position, than approach to food more).

Ways of diets for effective achievement of the goal

It is necessary to understand ways of observance of this or that diet as way of a diet. So, there are strict ways of diets which do not assume replacement of products, a diet variation. Other diets offer the variable menu in which respect for admissible norm of calories becomes the main principle of a diet.

For the choice of the most optimum principles of a diet it is necessary to consider a way of life of the person, the number of the spent calories, a sex, age, the state of health, possible contraindications (recovery after diseases, pregnancy, a lactation). Important factors in the choice of an effective type of a diet are the reasons of emergence of excess weight, and also duration of a problem of excess weight.

Whether you know that:

Most of women is capable to derive more pleasure from contemplation of the beautiful body in a mirror, than from sex. So, women, you aim at symmetry.