Main > Diseases> Toksokaroz


General information about a disease

Toksokaroz treats group of the gelmintny diseases caused by toksokary – a parasite who is very similar to an ordinary human ascarid. Diameter of a larva of a toksokara makes 0,02 mm. At the moment specialists know two of its look:

  • toxocara mystax – cat family helminth;
  • tocsocara canis – strikes dogs and other representatives of family of canids (wolves, polar foxes, foxes).

People get sick in the toksokarozy basic from dogs. According to the Ministry of Health of Russia, токсокароз at children comes to light at each 2-3 children. In the USA the indicator of incidence is much lower, but also there 800-1000 new infected people are registered every year.

Infection sources

Глаз человека при заболевании таскорозом

At once we will note that people are only carriers of a toksokaroz. It is impossible to catch from the sick person toksokarozy as for токсокар our organism is an atypical habitat and therefore they cannot reach a puberal state. Dogs – quite another matter. In their bodies токсокароз develops on "the full coil", and activators get to external environment not only with excrements, but also with hair of animals. The researches conducted in some large cities of Russia showed that eggs of parasites are found in 10-30% of tests of the soil taken on streets in the yards and parks.

How toksokara get into a human body?

If among animals are quite often noted pre-natal and transmammarny (with mother's milk) ways of infection, then токсокароз at the person it is shown under the influence of exclusively external factors. It is possible to catch through food stuffs, hair of animals, the contaminated water and dirty hands. The main peak of incidence toksokorozy is the share of summer, however, in general, new patients come to light during the whole year. Increase in number of patients in hot days is explained by the fact that during this period to the soil, so, and the maximum number of eggs gets to food.

Enter into group of extra risk: the children who are often playing in sand, veterinarians, sellers of greengroceries, hunters and dog breeders, owners of personal plots.

Disease symptoms toksokarozy

In a human body parasites periodically migrate from one bodies and systems in others. As the result if at the diagnosis токсокароз treatment of the patient was not carried out, or it tried to get rid of helminths by means of exclusively folk remedies, then the disease toksokarozy gains long, recurrent character. Clinical manifestations of symptoms of a toksokaroz depend on a condition of immune system of the carrier, intensity of infection and a form of a disease. On forms it is worth stopping in more detail.

Skin токсокароз it is shown by any allergic skin reactions, hypostases, eczemas, reddening and an itch in places of accumulation of larvae.

The visceral form of a toksokaroz develops if in an organism a large number of parasites accumulated. As a rule, comes to light visceral токсокароз at children more often that is connected with imperfect immunity of the child. It is possible to carry to the main symptoms of a toksokaroz:

  • abdominal syndrome (abdominal pains, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting);
  • recurrent fever;
  • the short wind, cough, pant and other problems connected with disturbance of functioning of respiratory system;
  • increase in the sizes of a liver;
  • lymphadenopathy.

The neurologic form of a toksokaroz is diagnosed if toksokara get into a brain. The following symptoms of a toksokaroz testify to this fact:

  • disturbance of attention;
  • hyperactivity;
  • difficulties when reading;
  • other neurologic symptoms.

Toksokaroz at the person – effects and the myth about efficiency of self-treatment

Let's tell several words about infection effects. Toksokaroz whose treatment began too late leads to traumatizing fabrics, hemorrhages, necroses, inflammatory changes. At damage of an optic nerve development of a unilateral blindness is possible. Besides, токсокароз quite often provokes formation of numerous granulomas in vitals and systems.

As for national treatment of a toksokaroz and statements that toksokara all the same perish in itself and therefore it is possible to self-medicate safely. In a human body parasites, of course, perish, but at the same time all of them equally manage to do essential harm. Therefore, at the diagnosis токсокароз folk remedies have to be used only as additional procedures to the main treatment. Otherwise, you risk to face various complications of an infection that it is essential to affect quality of life.

Treatment of a toksokoroz

Препарат для лечения тоскароза

At treatment of a toksokaroz drugs of the choice are thiabendazole, Mebendazolum and medical amine. They are rather effective from the point of view of destruction of the migrating individuals, but practically do not mention larvae which are in granulomas of internals. Albendazole fights with the last, however, this drug possesses a strong hepatotoxic action and therefore it can be accepted only after consultations with the attending physician. Eye токсокароз at children and adults treat by means of subconjunctival injections of a depomedrol. In some cases specialists pass the decision on need of surgical intervention.

Toksokaroz – the folk remedies used during treatment

Once again pay attention to that fact that national treatment of a toksokaroz is used only for simplification of a condition of the patient and it is not capable to remove the infection cause. The greatest distribution was gained by the following recipes:

  • weld a garlic head in milk and use the turned-out mix for cleansing enemas. The course of treatment lasts about a week;
  • 1 tablespoon of flowers of a tansy is filled in with boiled water, boiled within 10-15 minutes and filtered. Broth by an enema is entered once a day. Consider only that this means is no good if токсокороз develops at children;
  • fill in 3 tablespoons of flowers and leaves of a tansy with a glass of boiled water. Insist in mix within an hour. Medicine 3-4 times a day on 1 tablespoon is taken;
  • mix 1 tablespoon of seeds of a wormwood with honey and eat this weight between meals.
Whether you know that:

The 74-year-old resident of Australia James Harrison became blood donor about 1000 times. It has a rare blood group which antibodies help to survive the newborn with a severe form of anemia. Thus, the Australian saved about two million children.