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Tramal (international name: Tramadol) – the medicine entering into group of opioid analgetics.

Pharmacological action

Tramal – the synthetic opioid Раствор для инъекций Трамалhaving pronounced analgeziruyushchy (anesthetic) effect. Tramal's action is caused by his agonistic influence on opioid receptors of TsNS. The instruction to Tramal carries drug to anesthetics of the central mechanism of action. The effect of its reception occurs quickly enough (within 30 minutes after reception) and lasts till 5 o'clock.

Form of release of Tramal

Medicine is issued in the form of the capsules weighing 50 mg intended for intake; drop solution weighing 100 mg; suppositories whose weight also makes 100 mg, and injection solution.

Indications to Tramal's use

The main indications to use of medicine are pain syndromes of various degree of intensity (from average to strong) and various etiology. As a rule, a scope of drug are pains at oncological diseases, an acute heart attack, the period after heavy operations. Also Tramal is applied as anesthetic when carrying out the medical and diagnostic manipulations which are followed by the expressed pain.


Medical reviews of Tramala indicate existence of a wide range of contraindications which list it is necessary to study before reception. It is not recommended to accept Tramal in the following cases:

  • allergic reactions to drug components;
  • states at which respiratory depression or a nervous system is observed. Carry poisonings of various character to those, including drugs, alcohol, somnolent drugs, psychotropic substances;
  • concomitant use of MAO inhibitors, or within the first two weeks from the moment of the end of their use;
  • aged up to 14 years use is possible only in the form of solution;
  • at pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding. Drug use by pregnant women is admissible only in extreme cases and under medical control. The similar caution is connected with high probability of development in a fruit of accustoming and emergence afterwards of a withdrawal.

Special instructions to Tramal's use

According to the instruction to Tramal, drug should be taken with caution to the following groups of persons:

  • to patients with the broken functioning of kidneys or a liver;
  • the patient with a craniocereberal injury;
  • suffering from the increased intracranial pressure;
  • to patients with epilepsy;
  • to the persons inclined to medicinal dependence on opiates;
  • to patients, whose age exceeds 75 years. In this case it is important to pick up an individual dosage of medicine.

Tramal's use should not be combined with the use of alcoholic beverages, also during administration of drug it is recommended to refrain from performance of the activity connected with need of use of physical and mental reactions of high speed.

Application instruction

Medical Таблетки Трамалaction of Tramal had maximum effect, it is important to observe the individual mode of dosing ordered by the doctor. The dosage is selected proceeding from degree of manifestation of a pain syndrome, sensitivity of the patient and the minimum therapeutic dose.

As a rule, to the adults and children who reached 14-year age, Tramal is appointed in the following doses:

  • On 1 capsule weighing 50 mg regardless of meal time. Lack of effect of drug intake allows to increase a dose taking into account that most resolved makes 400 mg a day;
  • Drop solution needs to be accepted according to the scheme: Washing down 20 drops (that corresponds to 50 mg of Tramal) with a small amount of water. In case of the expressed pain syndrome the one-time dosage can be increased to 100 mg (40 drops). The maximum dose in days also should not exceed 400 mg;
  • Rectal suppositories should be entered after a chair deeply into an anus. The same most resolved dosage;
  • Administration of drug to children from a year to 14 years in the form of drop solution is allowed. The one-time dose is calculated as follows: to 2 mg of Tramal on 1 kg of body weight. The most admissible dose in days – to 8 mg on 1 kg of weight.

Side effects at Tramal's reception

According to reviews of Tramala drug is well transferred, however side effects are in rare instances possible:

  • the increased sweating;
  • nausea, dizziness and dryness in an oral cavity;
  • increased fatigue;
  • tachycardia;
  • headache, decrease in the ABP;
  • vomiting, meteorism, pains and gripes in a stomach;
  • allergy and skin itch;
  • there is a probability of side reactions from mentality: change of an emotional background, change of sensitivity, perception, behavioural reactions.


In case of overdose by Tramal emergence of a number of symptoms is possible: unconscious and unconsciousnesses (up to a coma), a lowering of arterial pressure, tachycardia, breath difficulty, epileptic spasms. Treatment is made by antagonists of morphine (Naloxonum, etc.), spasms are eliminated by means of use of medicines of benzodiazepine group.

Tramal storage conditions

Tramal is recommended to store at the room temperature. The period of validity depends on a form of release and makes: solution for injections, suppositories and capsules – 5 years, drop solution – 4 years.

Whether you know that:

The weight of a human brain makes about 2% of all body weight, however it consumes about 20% of the oxygen coming to blood. This fact does a human brain extremely susceptible to the damages caused by shortage of oxygen.