Main > Diseases> Tuberculosis of bones

Tuberculosis of bones

Short characteristic of a disease

Туберкулез костей

If the tuberculosis infection affects a backbone and bone joints, then the diagnosis tuberculosis of bones is made to the person. The disease is transferred in the hematogenous way from primary center of defeat and most often affects children in the first 10 years of life. In most cases the tuberculosis of bones and joints develops in an epiphysis of the joint end of a bone where, actually, and the infection focus forms. Then the infection passes to a synovial membrane and joint cartilages.

There is a wish to note that the disease affects various parts of a joint therefore specialists allocate synovial and bone tuberculosis of bones which symptoms we will describe slightly below. For now several words about characteristics of each form. Synovial tuberculosis of bones leads to a hyperemia and emergence of a set of the hillocks filled with a serous eskudat. If treatment is begun in time, then infectious process almost at once abates with simultaneous healing of the expressed sites. Tuberculosis of bones which treatment was not carried out or carried out incorrectly leads to destruction of the copular device and, eventually, full dysfunction of the joint ends of bones.

As for bone tuberculosis, it proceeds variously. The disease or begins with fusion of bone substance of a bone, or with necrosis of considerable sites of skin, and this process begins to extend to the increasing and big square over time. Irrespective of initial manifestations, the bone tuberculosis of bones and joints causes formation of purulent fistula or the cavity opening outside. Let's notice also that several weeks later inflammatory process can be stabilized and at the patient there occurs permanent remission.

Tuberculosis of bones – symptoms and a clinical picture

The most characteristic symptoms of tuberculosis of bones are a swelling in the affected joint, an atrophy of soft tissues, accumulation serous or serous фибринозиого exudate, a muscular contracture and restriction of mobility of a joint part. At X-ray inspection come to light: limited cavities in bones, depression of bone substance and expansion or narrowing of a joint crack (depends on availability of exudate).

Tuberculosis of bones – treatment of a disease

As well as in a case with other orthopedic diseases, treatment of tuberculosis of bones has to be performed in a complex. In the course of treatment specialists use both conservative methods, and an operative measure. One of the most important components of process is the chemotherapy which serves the main for a number of other actions.

Treatment surely includes performing antibacterial therapy. Whenever possible it has to begin as soon as possible to slow down development of inflammatory process. Antibacterial drugs can be used locally, vnutrikostno, intravenously and vnutriarterialno. Sometimes they are entered into abscesses and fistulas after carrying out a puncture. If at the person tuberculosis of bones which symptoms for any reasons cannot be eliminated by means of an operative measure develops, antibacterial therapy becomes the main method of treatment.

Лечение туберкулеза костей настойкой восковой моли

Obligatory component of process of treatment are orthopedic methods which purpose – to unload an affected area up to complete cessation of distribution of inflammatory process. For same to the patient appoint a bed rest in a plaster bed upon termination of which the patient has to carry plaster, and is slightly later also a removable corset. In recent years influence of orthopedic methods on treatment of tuberculosis of bones decreased in connection with development of new drugs a little, but, nevertheless, all of them still are successfully applied in many domestic clinics.

Operative measure is shown to patients at whom pronounced destructive processes develop. In this case it is desirable to liquidate the pathological center of an inflammation that can be made only by means of surgical methods. In our country different types of an operative measure gained development. Most often doctors carry out an extirpation of the joint capsule or a synovectomy. Also recovery operations when specialists set as the purpose not only to cure tuberculosis of bones, but also to recover functions of the struck department are widely used. At the same time complex treatment of complications by which tuberculosis often is followed is at the same time carried out. After operation some time the bed rest is shown to the patient. After its expiration it is recommended to set the achieved results and to visit one of profile sanatoria where process of recovery will proceed most quickly and without serious consequences.

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