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from 622 rub.

Ультрапрокт treats group of the glucocorticosteroid drugs of local action possessing antiinflammatory, antipruritic Мазь Ультрапроктand analgeziruyushchy action. Drug is effective for treatment of diseases of an anus and inflammations of hemorrhoidal veins.

Structure and form of release

The main active ingredients - пивалат Fluocortolonum of 920 mkg, caproate of Fluocortolonum of 950 mkg and a hydrochloride of Cinchocainum of 5 mg.

Auxiliary components: solid fat, castor oil, polyethyleneglycol, the flavored rose attar.

Ультрапрокт is issued in the form of ointment for external use in a tuba on 10 g and rectal candles on 10 pieces in cardboard packaging.

Pharmacological action of Ultraprokt

Ультрапрокт is the combined drug which renders the antiallergic, anesthetizing, antipruritic and antihistaminic action. Drug removes an inflammation, slows down process of accumulation of neutrophils and reduces granulation.

Active ingredients of Ultraprokt get into the center of an inflammation and have long therapeutic effect.

Received good comments of Ultraprokt as medicine with effective antioxidant action which interferes with education of free radicals in the inflamed area.

Drug reduces the content of water in fabrics, eliminates fabric barriers and stabilizes walls of mast cells. Under the influence of the main components of Ultraprokt microcirculation improves, and also hypostases are eliminated.

Ультрапрокт promotes processes of regeneration and effectively removes a pain syndrome, blocking nervous impulses in fibers. Drug is metabolized in a liver and removed from an organism through kidneys.

Ultraprokt's analogs

Ultraprokt's analogs are Abistan, Diprosalik, Karizon, Proktosedil, Neo-Anuzol. These drugs have similar pharmacological properties and have the antiinflammatory, knitting and antimicrobic effect.

Indications to use

Ультрапрокт it is appointed for treatment of hemorrhoids, a proctitis, thrombosis of hemorrhoidal veins, neurodermatitis, an itch and burning in an anus, rectum cracks.

Has positive reviews of Ultraprokt as effective drug for treatment of fungal infections.

Application instruction of Ultraprokt

According to the instruction of UltraproktСуппозитории Ультрапрокт it is necessary to apply on the cleared area of an anus. The medical effect is reached the first minutes of drawing. The course of treatment of hemorrhoids lasts 7-10 days, and at severe forms of a disease - up to 1 month.

Ультрапрокт in the form of ointment apply 2 times a day on the inflamed area. At administration of ointment in a rectum it is necessary to use a special tube with a tip. It is necessary to process hemorrhoidal nodes a small amount of ointment 2-3 times a day.

Suppositories enter into an anus of 1 times a day within 10 days. After use it is necessary to wash up carefully hands and to avoid hit of drug in eyes.

According to the instruction of Ultraprokt for treatment of fungal infections it is necessary to appoint together with other antiinflammatory and antifungal drugs.

During a course of treatment the patients managing vehicles need to be careful.


Contraindications to Ultraprokt's appointment are hypersensitivity and intolerance of components of drug, pregnancy and the period of a lactation, tuberculosis, syphilis, heavy viral infections.

With care drug is appointed at a serious illness of the alimentary system and at advanced age.

Side effects of Ultraprokt

Ультрапрокт it is well transferred and does not cause serious side effects.

At long administration of drug allergic reactions – a skin atrophy, a small tortoiseshell, dermatitis, skin rash can appear.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Ультрапрокт suppositories rectal 10 pieces

622 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Ультрапрокт soup рект. No. 10, Intendis Manuf. S.p.A. Via E. Schering

793 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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