Main > Diagnostic methods> Ultrasonography of a uterus

Ultrasonography of a uterus

Процедура УЗИ маткиUltrasonography of a uterus and appendages – the ultrasonic inspection giving an idea to the gynecologist of a condition of a uterus and appendages (uterine tubes, ovaries), their form, the size, structure.

By results of ultrasonography often it is possible to draw a conclusion on the infertility reason, to diagnose a gynecologic disease.

Features of performing ultrasonography of a uterus and appendages

Ultrasonography of a uterus there undergo women in whom at standard inspection and on the basis of complaints symptoms of a gynecologic disease were found: pains in a stomach bottom to or during periods, long and painful periods, intermenstrual bleedings.

Besides, carry out ultrasonography of a uterus at pregnancy. Inspection is appointed for confirmation of the fact uterine (or extrauterine) by pregnancies, exceptions of a vesical drift. Ultrasonography of a uterus at pregnancy on early term helps to find out a condition of pregnancy, its term, and in the presence of pathologies – an essence of a problem and a possibility of purpose of treatment or need of abortion,

High-quality examination can be conducted only at the filled bladder therefore the woman several hours prior to ultrasonography is recommended to drink 1,5-2l waters. Carry out ultrasonography for 5-7 day of a cycle.

Ultrasonography of appendages is appointed to pass to women who have complaints to irregular menstrual bleedings and their absence, pains in a stomach bottom, infertility.

As well as at ultrasonography of a uterus, at inspection of pipes and ovaries if examination is conducted outside, through a front wall of a peritoneum, the woman needs to fill a bladder. If to the patient appointed to undergo transvaginal inspection (the sensor is entered inside into a vagina), specially it is not necessary to prepare and fill a bladder.

Ultrasonography of appendages is desirable to take place in the same terms, as ultrasonography of a uterus. If it is necessary to study development of follicles of ovaries, ultrasonography is carried out several times throughout a menstrual cycle.

Results of ultrasonography of a uterus

Results of inspection – both abdominal, and transvaginal, the woman receives on a hand soon after ultrasonography, on the same day.

Схема проведения УЗИ маткиIn the conclusion of the doctor information on a shape of a uterus, its size, thickness of walls and an endometria, compliance to its day of a cycle, existence of deviations in development, structure of a neck of uterus, on the sizes of ovaries, their structure, existence of the ripening follicles moves. Data on uterine tubes in results of ultrasonography of the healthy woman should not be - pipes without pathologies on ultrasonography are not visible.

Norms for the sizes of a uterus of the nonpregnant woman: length – 70 mm, width – 60 mm, the perednezadny size – 42 mm.

Norms of the sizes for ovaries: width – 25 mm, length – 30 mm, thickness – 15 mm.

Besides in results of ultrasonography of a uterus there can be data on the found diseases:

  • myoma – a tumor of a muscular layer (myometrium) of a uterus of high-quality character. Ultrasonography can reveal myoma in only 1 cm in the diameter;
  • endometriosis. A disease at which the cover of a uterus goes beyond a cavity. By means of ultrasonography it is impossible to make the final diagnosis since only small bubbles in a cavity of the uterus are visible, but inspection gives the chance to appoint additional analyses;
  • polyps. Arise when the mucous membrane of a uterus expands. On ultrasonography the doctor at this disease notices a thickening or growth of an endometria;
  • malformations. So call manifest deviations in sizes, a form, a uterus location. Ultrasonography of a uterus gives the chance to diagnose a two-horned, underdeveloped, saddle uterus. If the malformation is found, to the woman enter contrast for more detailed studying of body;
  • cancer of a neck or endometria. The new growth of the malignant nature found on a neck of uterus or in its mucous;
  • polycystosis of ovaries. The disease arising because of a hormonal imbalance. On ultrasonography the doctor notes a thickening of capsules of ovaries, increase in ovaries, finds cysts;
  • salpingitis. An inflammation of uterine tubes because of which in them the commissures capable to become the infertility reason are formed. On ultrasonography it is visible that uterine tubes are thickened.
  • tumors of pipes and ovaries. Ultrasonography of appendages gives the chance to find tumors, to estimate their size and structure. For more exact diagnosis and purpose of treatment the patient needs to undergo additional inspection.
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