Main> Dislocation



Dislocations represent the mutual shift of the joint ends of the bones which are jointed among themselves. Joint shift at dislocation – resistant, with restriction of physiological mobility and sharply expressed pain syndrome.

Types of dislocations

Dislocations of joints are subdivided into the following main types depending on the nature of their emergence:


Arise, as a result of mechanical impact on a joint, for example, during the falling or blow. This type of dislocations, as a rule, is followed by gaps in a joint bag. Traumatic dislocations are often complicated by fractures of bones, infringement of soft tissues, damage of integuments, nerve terminations and sinews.


This type of dislocation of joints belongs to pathologies of development of a musculoskeletal system and arises at a pre-natal stage of fetation. Congenital dislocation of a hip is most widespread.


Pathological dislocations of joints arise as result of inflammatory processes and further destruction of the joint ends of bones, under the influence of such diseases as osteomyelitis, tuberculosis and so forth. Forecasts and tactics treatment first of all are under construction on therapy of a basic disease taking into account the greatest possible recovery of mobility of the affected joint.


Formation of habitual dislocation is most characteristic of a shoulder joint. Habitual dislocation of a shoulder forms if after an injury immobilized fixing of a joint was insufficient on time. The short period of an immobilization leads to the fact that in an effect dislocation of a shoulder arises repeatedly as result of the slightest physical effort or the careless movement. For elimination of effects of habitual dislocation tactics of operational surgical intervention directed to normalization of a condition of the copular device usually is chosen.

Dislocation reasons

The origin of dislocations can carry as inborn (vnutriutrobno the forming hip dislocation), and the acquired character (an effect of an injury or inflammatory diseases of the fabrics surrounding a joint).

The following factors are the most common causes of dislocation of joints:

- falling or blow, with sharp contact of a joint with a firm surface, for example, falling with blow on an elbow causes shoulder dislocation;

- sharp and considerable reduction of muscles;

- physical impact on a joint or on the area adjoining to it;

- unnatural and strong straightening or bend of a joint.

Dislocation symptoms

Симптомы вывихаTreats the most common symptoms of dislocation:

- at the time of an injury characteristic cotton is heard;

- around the injured joint hypostasis and swelling (the most common symptom of dislocation) is formed;

- sharp and strong morbidity;

- bruises;

- at damage of nerve terminations, decrease in sensitivity;

- mobility restriction;

- pricking and numbness;

- pale and cold integuments;

- visual deformation, etc.

Specific symptoms of dislocation differ from the place in which the joint is injured.

Shoulder dislocation

Dislocations of a shoulder belong to the most widespread types of dislocations of a traumatic origin (statistically - more than a half of all cases). This fact is explained by features of an anatomic structure of a shoulder joint: disproportionate a ratio of joint surfaces, insufficiently strong by nature front muscular department, considerable motive range in the different planes, the volume capsule of a joint and so forth.

Shoulder dislocation, as a rule, results from indirect influence, when falling on an elbow or a forearm, almost in hundred percent of cases is followed by a rupture of the capsule, sometimes with damage of a rotary cuff and a separation of a big humeral hillock (most often shoulder dislocation - at patients of advanced age).

Hip dislocation

Traumatic dislocation of a hip in the general statistics of dislocations is diagnosed rather seldom (no more than 7 percent of total number of cases). Ileal dislocation of a hip (85 percent), further – locking, sciatic and nadlonny dislocations of a hip is in the lead.

Subspecies of dislocations of a hip depending on the directed power impact on a head are classified as follows:

- ileal (posterosuperior);

- locking (anteroinferior);

- sciatic (zadnenizhniya);

- nadlonny (anterosuperior dislocation of a hip).

First aid at dislocation

Первая помощь при вывихеFixing (providing an immovability) of an extremity in that provision which it adopted after an injury is necessary for rendering first aid to the victim at dislocation, overlaying of a cold compress to the place of the injured joint is obligatory.

Attempts of independent reposition of a dislocated joint are inadmissible by no means as only the experienced doctor in the conditions of medical institution will be able precisely to establish whether dislocation is combined with changes or cracks of bones.

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