
Zira represents well dried up Cuminumcyminum seeds – the spicy grass relating to family of parsley.

Зира - семена пряной травы Cuminumcyminum

Egypt and the countries of the Middle East is considered the homeland of a zira. In due time in Europe this spice was absolutely unfairly forgotten. However in recent years it began to be in demand in the world market again. It partly is explained by the increased interest in east kitchen, and partly advantage of a zira for a human body. To the taste and aroma this spice something reminds well-known to Europeans caraway seeds. For this reason it is quite often called "the Indian caraway seeds".


Seeds of a zira have the expressed aroma and slightly bitterish nut taste. They are widely used in cookery as in general, and the pounded look. Zira perfectly approaches any meat dishes, and it is simply impossible to present without it east pilaf. This spice is a part of marinades for meat thanks to what the shish kebab develops peculiar and very pleasant taste and aroma.

In India the zira is used for preparation of the spicy mix "garam-masala", it is added to sauces of Chile and a curry. Armenia adds powder of a zira to forcemeat at preparation суджух (a special grade of dry-cured sausage). In the east the zira is also added practically to all vegetable dishes.

This spice is used also for aromatization of confectionery and bakery products, fermented milk products. Pork dishes, vegetable salads, the fish, potato soups flavored with ziry get saturated and spiciness. Interesting aroma is given by this spice marinated and to pickles, tomatoes, mushrooms, sauerkraut.

Properties of a zira

Spice is very demanded in the east. This results from the fact that the advantage of a zira for health of the person is huge. It lowers viscosity of blood, protecting thereby from formation of blood clots, developing of ischemic strokes, a myocardial infarction. Also the fact that it improves appetite belongs to useful properties of a zira and normalizes digestion process, promotes the best digestion of greasy and fried food. Zira is simply irreplaceable at a meteorism, dyspepsia, intestinal gripes. It is proved that the regular use of a zira improves sight and brain function.

Still doctors of the Middle Ages knew about advantage of a zira for health of women. So Avicenna famous around the world in the treatise "Canon of Medical Science" wrote that after the delivery women should allow to drink broth of seeds of a zira since it promotes increase in development of breast milk and prevents possible inflammations of patrimonial ways. The modern science completely confirmed this useful property of a zira. It was in addition established that the zira broth accepted by the feeding mothers prevents emergence at their children of intestinal gripes.

Modern nutritionists quite often include a zira in composition of various teas for weight loss. Rather saturated taste of this spice promotes bystry approach of sense of fulness and therefore the person eats considerably the smaller volume of food. The advantage of a zira for weight loss is also that it stimulates an intestinal peristaltics and brings excessive liquid out of an organism thanks to what at its use portability of any diet significantly improves. It is easy to prepare tea for weight loss on the basis of a zira in house conditions. For this purpose put in a three-liter thermos couple of teaspoons of seeds of a zira and as much green tea, fill in with boiled water. Drink the received infusion to currents of day after an edya in food mezhdupriyemama intervals if you feel feeling of hunger.

Применение зиры в кулинарии

Harmful properties of a zira

At the use of any spices and spices including zira should not be forgotten also that in everything the measure is important. In addition the zira has to be completely excluded from a diet of the people having gastritises or a peptic ulcer of a stomach and duodenum. The zir should not eat also that who suffers from an idiosyncrasy (individual intolerance) of this product. With care the zir should use for cooking and to persons who after the use of spicy and/or spicy food quite often have an expressed heartburn. Anyway, nutritionists recommend to enter a zira into a diet gradually and to watch closely how your organism reacts to this new food stuff.

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Even if heart of the person does not fight, then he all the same can live during a long period, as the Norwegian fisherman Jan Revsdal showed us. Its "motor" stopped for 4 hours after the fisherman got lost and fell asleep in snow.