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Meningioma - the tumor growing from cells of a firm meninx - the fabric surrounding a brain. Meningiomas are very widespread.

Meningiomas can be formed in any department of a skull as konveksitalno, and on a base of skull.

Meningioma symptoms:

Displays of a disease depend on an arrangement of a tumor and can be expressed as weakness in extremities (paresis); decrease in visual acuity and loss of fields of vision; emergence of doubling in eyes and omissions of a century; disturbances of sensitivity in various body parts; epileptic attacks; to emergence of psychoemotional frustration; just headaches. Causes the started disease stages when a meningioma reaching the big sizes swelled also a prelum of brain fabric that leads to sharp increase in intracranial pressure, are shown by usually severe headaches with nausea, vomiting, oppression of consciousness and real threat of life of the patient.

Meningioma reasons:

X-ray and radiation exposure, injury of the head and food nitrates increase probability of emergence of meningiomas.

Risk factors for a meningioma:

Risk factor is what increases your chances to come into a disease or a certain state of health.

For a meningioma treat risk factors:

Floor: two times are more often at women, than men;
Age: 40-70 years;
Case history breast cancer or sarcoma, as parts of a syndrome of Li-Fraumeni;
Diagnosis of a neurofibromatosis of the 2nd type;

Treatment of the Meningioma:

The majority of meningiomas have high-quality character and the main method of their treatment is surgical removal.

Weight of operation and its outcome, generally decide by a tumor arrangement - its proximity to functionally significant departments of a brain and a ratio on anatomical structures - vessels and nerves.

In most cases radical removal of a meningioma provides actually "treatment" or reduces risk of repeated formation of a tumor (recurrence) practically to zero. The small category of the meningiomas having substandard character is inclined to bystry recuring that demands repeated operations.

In addition to surgical, other methods in treatment of meningiomas are used rather seldom.

The usual, rotational gamma therapy (radiation therapy, radiation) is ineffective in treatment of the majority of options of meningiomas. Stereotaxic techniques of radiation are applied, first of all, to treatment of the tumors located in hardly accessible for surgical removal or in functionally significant zones. The stereotaxic radio surgery is applicable for treatment of tumors of rather small size (to 3.5 cm in the diameter. The stereotaxic radiotheraphy is applicable as well for tumors of the bigger size. Often stereotaxic radiation is used in combination with surgical treatment (in the main ambassador of operation for decrease in risk of a recurrence, radiation of a part of a tumor which could not be removed at surgery).

The chemotherapy in treatment of high-quality meningiomas is not applied.

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