DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Neurology Prozopalgiya



Prozopalgiya - ээто frustration of a nervous system. Belongs to neurodental a syndrome.

Prozopalgiya's symptoms:

At dontogenous neuralgia pain has the intensive shooting character. However there are no trigger (kurkovy) zones on face skin. Sharp strengthening of pain is observed at percussion on the affected tooth or a gingiva. There are no disorders of sensitivity in a trifacial zone, there are no local vegetative and trophic changes on a face.

Prozopalgiya's reasons:

Face pain can be caused by an epileptiform neuralgia and other cranial neuralgia, diseases of teeth and okolonosovy bosoms, damage of a temporal and maxillary joint, tumors of a base of skull, orbit, a nasopharynx, migraine, etc. Face pain can be reflected in the presence of trigger myofascial zones in грудино - a clavicular and mastoidal muscle.

Prozopalgiya's treatment:

When developing pains in a face inspection of the patient is necessary for clarification of a basic disease; for this purpose often it is necessary to involve doctors of various specialties. For fight against pains, painful for the patient, carry out intravenous or subcutaneous injections of novocaine, an alcohol injection; greasing of the respective site solutions of novocaine, anaesthesin; an electrophoresis  with novocaine, etc. In some cases the patient needs hospitalization in the relevant clinic.

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