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Hyperacusia — the perverted perception of sounds at which rather weak sounds are perceived as excessively intensive. Sometimes the giperakuyoziya is painful for the patient, irritates him, causes the expressed nevrotiyochesky reactions, deprives of an opportunity to adequately perceive surrounding, prevents to perform the current work.

Строение слухового анализатора

Structure of the acoustic analyzer

Symptoms Hyperacusia:

More often the hyperacusia happens a temporary symptom. In certain cases it arises only under the influence of sounds of a certain tone. The giperayokuziya on sounds of any tonality is possible, it can be one - or bilateral, can arise at defeat of peripheral or central department of the acoustic analyzer. In most cases it cannot give strictly toyopichesky value (the Blagoveshchensk N.S., 1990). At the same time widely the izvesyotna the hyperacusia arising at defeat of a facial nerve  is higher than an otkhozh-deniye from its main trunk of a stapedial nerve or at damage of the most stapedial nerve (item stapedius); quite often a hyperacusia (phonophobia) встречает­ся in the period of the culmination of an attack of disease  of Menyer. However it can vozyonikat also at localization of pathological  process in a brain, in particular at tumors of a mesencephalon, thalamus; in the latter case the hyperacusia usually is followed by the general hyperesthesia and a hyperpathia on the party, protivopoyolozhny to pathological process.

Reasons Hyperacusia:

The hyperacusia can be a stage in development of defeat of an acoustical anayolizator. Quite often it arises in an acute stage of pathological process (an acute stage of a craniocereberal injury, meningitis, encephalitis, vascular and brain pathology).

Treatment Hyperacusia:

Treatment of a basic disease is carried out.

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