DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Ophthalmology Vitreous amotio

Vitreous amotio


Amotio of a vitreous is a morbid condition of an eye at which there is a vitreous otkhozhdeniye from a retina. Vitreous amotio (also known as back amotio of a vitreous, ZOST) can occur practically at each person. At 53% of people 50 years are more senior and at 65% 65 years are more senior the vitreous exfoliates from a retina.

Vitreous Amotio symptoms:

It is difficult to speak about duration of development of ZOST as it is possible to track it in dynamics seldom (amotio or is available at the time of survey, or it is absent). Besides, ZOST not always happens full (a vitreous otsloyeno from a retina throughout). Partial ZOST when fibers of a vitreous are attached to a retina in some places, is especially dangerous as it is connected with excess draft from all mass of the otsloyenny and waving at the movements by eyes vitreous on limited sites of a retina. In such situation the majority of the complications connected with ZOST also meet.

It should be noted what passes in absolute majority of cases of ZOST without any long-term effects. Most often ZOST leads to formation of a peripheral rupture of a retina (8-15% of cases of ZOST), retina amotio (seldom), to stratification of a retina, a vitreous hemorrhage (13-19%, but the majority of these cases is not followed by deterioration in sight), formation of a macular gap.

Вид глазного дна при отслойке стекловидного тела

Type of an eyeground at vitreous amotio

Vitreous Amotio reasons:

At short-sightedness this phenomenon arises on average for 10 years earlier than at far-sighted (gipermetrop) and people without defokus (emmetrop). It is considered also that ZOST is found in women in connection with hormonal changes in a menopause more often.

Treatment of Amotio of a vitreous:

We cannot influence process of emergence of complications from "peeling of a vitreous". The only recommendation which can be given consists in maintenance of close contact with the treating doctor who will be able to monitor development of process and in time to appoint the corresponding treatment.

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