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The pyrogenic reactions


These are hemotransfusionic reactions which are not followed by serious violations of functions of bodies and systems and do not pose hazard to life

Symptoms of the Pyrogenic reactions:

The pyrogenic posttransfusion reactions are shown generally by a febricula, fever and a fever.
In the clinical course of allergic reactions in addition to the listed signs into the forefront symptoms of allergic character act: urticaria, short wind, suffocation, vomiting. These reactions appear at repeated hemotransfusions. Also sedatives, and also the desensibilizing therapy (novocaine, Calcium chloratum, Dimedrol, Suprastinum, corticosteroids) are applied to their treatment cardiovascular. If necessary it is reasonable to resort to injections of drugs — Promedolum, pantopon, morphine.

In some cases hemotransfusions and plasmas can be followed by poyettransfuzionny reaction of anaphylactic type at which are noted concern, face reddening, cyanosis, suffocation, short wind, increase of pulse, a lowering of arterial pressure. Generally all reactive phenomena rather quickly disappear.

However the acute anaphylaxis demanding immediate performing complex antishock therapy, and sometimes — and resuscitation in some cases develops.

Reasons of the Pyrogenic reactions:

The pyrogenic reactions are caused by entering of pyrogens into blood of the recipient during a hemotransfusion. Pyrogens can be formed in stored blood or in insufficiently carefully prepared system for transfusion.

Treatment of the Pyrogenic reactions:

Prevention of these reactions consists in careful history taking of the patient for the purpose of identification of a sensitization by vaccination, a serotherapy and injection of proteinaceous drugs.

Anaphylactic reactions can appear also in later terms — on the second — the sixth day after a transfusion and even later — in the form of fervescence, urticaceous rash, joint pains and other signs of a serum disease.

Treatment consists in use cardiovascular and sedatives, and also the desensibilizing therapy (novocaine, Calcium chloratum, Dimedrol, Suprastinum, corticosteroids — a hydrocortisone, Prednisolonum, etc.).

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