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The kyphosis (other - Greek   bent humpbacked) — in the general cases represents a curvature of an upper part of a backbone. Can be as acquired, and hereditary.

Distinguish a physiological kyphosis which is observed normal at adults (chest and sacral), and the pathological kyphosis developing owing to diseases (for example, rickets, tubercular damage of one or several vertebras), a spine injury and disturbances of a bearing.

Кифоз на рисунке справа, физиологическое строение позвоночника - слева.

Kyphosis in the drawing on the right, a physiological structure of a backbone - at the left.

Kyphosis symptoms:

The kyphosis arising in chest department of a backbone is clinically shown in the form of a syndrome of "a round back" (stoop; in more difficult cases — gibbosity). At this situation shoulders of the patient are inclined forward and from top to bottom, the thorax is narrowed. The main respiratory muscle — a diaphragm falls from top to bottom, muscles of a prelum abdominale are weakened, an upper part of a trunk is inclined forward. The long current of a kyphosis leads to emergence of wedge-shaped deformation of vertebrae, destruction of intervertebral cartilages. From muscular system the back muscle strain, dysfunction of the muscles creating a front abdominal wall is found. Change of an anatomic structure of a chest cavity leads to decrease in mobility of edges, disturbance of activity of intercostal muscles, restriction of respiratory function of lungs.

Kyphosis reasons:

Distinguish the following types of a kyphosis:

    * A kyphosis inborn (k. congenita) — the kyphosis caused by anomaly of development of front departments of bodies of vertebrae
    * A kyphosis genotypic (k. genotypica) — the hereditary kyphosis which is characterized by an identical form in several generations; it is inherited on dominant type
    * A kyphosis compression (k. compressiva) — the kyphosis caused by a compression fracture of bodies of one or several vertebrae with reduction of their height in front departments
    * A kyphosis mobile (k. mobilis) — the kyphosis caused by weakness of muscles of a back and usual wrong position of a body; gives in to passive correction
    * Kyphosis rachitic (k. rhachitica; Xing. a hump rachitic) — the kyphosis developing at children of the second half of the year of life, patients with rickets owing to weakness of muscles and sheaves, and also softness of bodies of vertebrae
    * Kyphosis senile (k. senilis; Xing. a hump senile) — the kyphosis of chest department of a backbone at aged people caused by age degenerative and dystrophic changes of fabric of intervertebral disks and bodies of vertebrae and weakening of the muscular device of a backbone
    * A kyphosis total (k. totalis) — the arc-shaped kyphosis of all backbone; it is observed at some pathological processes (for example, at Bekhterev's disease), is normal — children of the first months have lives
    * A kyphosis tubercular (k. tuberculosa) — the kyphosis at a tubercular spondylitis caused by destruction of bodies of vertebrae and their compression
    * A kyphosis of angular (k. angularis) — a kyphosis at which camber is presented in the form of the corner turned by kzada top; characteristic form of a compression and tubercular kyphosis
    * A kyphosis physiological (k. physiologica) — the moderate kyphosis of chest department forming at normal development of a backbone (by 7 years of life) and sacral department (by the puberty period).

Special case of a kyphosis is Sheyermana-Mau's disease — the kyphotic deformation of a backbone which is found at teenagers of 14-16 years.

Treatment of the Kyphosis:

Now there is no effective method of treatment of this disease, all existing methods of traditional and alternative medicine at best give temporary effect. Depending on the volume of intervention and expressiveness of a kyphosis duration of effect can differ. Actively advertized methods of manual therapy are effective only at the first degree of a kyphosis, and only in hands of correctly trained specialist. Remember that when using manual therapy you risk to receive mixing of vertebrae and other heavy complications. At more expressed kyphosis orthopedic treatment is used, on the bent site the metalosteosynthesis is carried out by plates which fasten in bodies of vertebrae and straighten a curvature. After a while plates remove and if treatment was carried out adequately, the lasting effect remaining within several years is observed.

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