DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Surgery Hemoperitoneum



Hemoperitoneum — accumulation of blood in an abdominal cavity.

Hemoperitoneum symptoms:

The clinical picture consists of signs of acute blood loss and local symptoms; depends on the nature of damages, intensity of bleeding in an abdominal cavity and the volume of the streamed blood. At sharply arising hemoperitoneum of the patient complains of blackout, dizziness, a sharp abdominal pain. At the same time pallor of skin and visible mucous membranes, thirst, cold sweat, an adynamia, an unconscious state, perhaps motive excitement are observed. The patient aims to accept a sitting position in which pain decreases. Pulse of weak filling, becomes frequent to 120-140 beats/min, the ABP decreases. A stomach at a palpation soft, there are symptoms of irritation of a peritoneum, obtusion in sloping areas is perkutorno defined. In blood — decrease in amount of hemoglobin, erythrocytes, hematocrit sizes.

Чрезкапсульный разрыв селезенки. Ушиб почки. Гемоперитонеум.

Chrezkapsulny rupture of a spleen. Kidney bruise. Hemoperitoneum.

Hemoperitoneum reasons:

Develops more often as a result of injuries of abdominal organs and some diseases (an ovary apoplexy, an extrauterine pregnancy).

Treatment of the Hemoperitoneum:

Patients with suspicion on гемоперитонсум need hospitalization in surgical department. Before survey of the doctor use of anesthetics and drugs is contraindicated.

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