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Detection of protein in the analysis of urine.

Proteinuria symptoms:

Physiological proteinuria:

    * in one-time portions of urine — to 0,033 hl.
    * daily excretion of protein with urine 30-50 mgnut (at children up to 1 month 240 mgm2; at children is more senior 1 month — 60 mgm2sut).
Increase a proteinuria: fever, stress, exercise stresses, introduction of noradrenaline.

Degree of manifestation:
Poorly expressed proteinuria 150 — 500 mgnut. The reasons — an acute post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis; chronic glomerulonephritis, gematurichesky form; hereditary nephrite; tubulopatiya; intersticial nephrite; obstructive uropathy.
Moderately expressed proteinuria 500 — 2000 mgnut. The reasons — an acute poststreptokokovy glomerulonephritis; hereditary nephrite; chronic glomerulonephritis.
The expressed proteinuria more than 2000 mgnut. The reasons — a nephrotic syndrome, an amyloidosis.

Prerenalny proteinuria — the strengthened albuminolysis in fabrics and hemolysis.
Renal proteinuria — glomerular or canalicular.
Prerenal proteinuria — connected with pathology of an urinary system (an ureter, a bladder, an urethra, generative organs).

Constant proteinuria — at diseases of kidneys.
The passing proteinuria — at fever, orthostatic.

Proteinuria reasons:

    * Not pathological proteinuria
          Postural (orthostatic)
          Exercise stresses

    * Pathological proteinuria
                - Persistent symptomless
                - Nephrotic syndrome
                - Idiopathic nephrotic syndrome (minimum changes, mezangialno-proliferative focal sclerosis)
                - Glomerulonephritis
                - Tumors
                - Drug disease
                - Inborn diseases
          Tubular hereditary
                - Cystinosis
                - Wilson-Konovalov's disease
                - Lowe's syndrome
                - Proximal renal tubular acidosis
                - Galactosemia
          Tubular acquired
                - Abuse of drugs
                - Hypervitaminosis D
                - Hypopotassemia
                - Antibiotics
                - Intersticial nephrite
                - Acute tubular necrosis
                - Cystic disease
                - Sarcoidosis
                - Penicillaminum
                - Poisoning with salts of heavy metals

Treatment of the Proteinuria:

Carry out treatment of a basic disease.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Proteinuria:

  • Препарат Ибупрофен.


    Nonsteroid anti-inflammatory and antirheumatic drugs. Derivatives of propionic acid.

    JSC Borisovsky Plant of Medical Supplies Republic of Belarus


  • Препарат Бетаспан.


    Glucocorticosteroids for system use.

    JSC Pharmak Ukraine

  • Препарат Дексаметазона фосфат.

    Dexamethasone phosphate


    JSC Pharmak Ukraine

  • Препарат Лозап 100.

    Lozap 10

    Angionezina II of receptors antagonist.

    Zentiva (Zentiva) Czech Republic

  • Препарат Лизиноприл таб 20мг №20.

    Lisinopril таб 20 mg No.

    Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (APF inhibitor).

    CJSC Severnaya Zvezda Russia


  • Препарат Клосарт.


    Anti-hypertensive means. Antagonists of angiotensin II.

    LLC Kusum Pharm Ukraine

  • Препарат Лизиноприл таб 5мг №30.

    Lisinopril таб 5 mg No.

    Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (APF inhibitor).

    CJSC Severnaya Zvezda Russia

  • Препарат Лозап.


    Angionezina II of receptors antagonist.

    Zentiva (Zentiva) Czech Republic

  • Препарат Лозартан.


    Angiotensin II of receptors blocker.

    CJSC Verteks Russia

  • Препарат Лизиноприл таб 10мг №20/30/50.

    Lisinopril таб 10 mg No. 20/30/

    Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (APF inhibitor).

    CJSC Severnaya Zvezda Russia

  • Препарат Лориста®.


    Angionezina II of receptors antagonist.

    Krka Slovenia

  • Препарат Лозартан -Тева.

    Lozartan - Teva

    Angionezina II of receptors antagonist.

    Teva (Tev) Israel

  • Препарат Кеналог®.



    Bristol-Myers Squibb Comp. (Bristol-Myers Skvibb Komp.) USA

  • Препарат Метилпреднизолон.



    SC Balkan Pharmaceuticals SRL (Balkans Pharmasyyutikals) Republic of Moldova

  • Препарат Дексаметазо-Дарница раствор.

    Deksametazo-Darnitsa solution

    Drugs of hormones for system use.

    CJSC Pharmaceutical Firm Darnitsa Ukraine

  • Препарат Метилпреднизолон.



    SC Balkan Pharmaceuticals SRL (Balkans Pharmasyyutikals) Republic of Moldova

  • Препарат Козаар.


    Angiotensin II of receptors blocker.

    Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. (Merck Sharp and Doum of the Building) USA

  • Препарат Лозартан.


    Angiotensin II of receptors blocker.

    SC Balkan Pharmaceuticals SRL (Balkans Pharmasyyutikals) Republic of Moldova

  • Препарат Лемод.



    Hemofarm, A.D. (A.D. Hemofarm) Serbia

  • Сайт детского здоровья