- Description
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Preparation for the procedure:
Before operation it is necessary to execute the following inspections:
* To perform physical inspection;
* To make blood tests and urine;
* To execute ultrasonography - the analysis which uses sound waves to see internal parts of a body;
* To carry out компьютернуя a tomography - x-ray inspection at which the computer is used to take pictures of internals;
* MRT - the analysis which uses magnetic waves to see internals.
Perhaps it is necessary to stop reception of some drugs in one week prior to the procedure:
* Not to accept antiinflammatory drugs (for example, aspirin);
* Not to accept a blood flux oil, for example klopidogret (Плавикс) or warfarin.
Not to eat food one day before the procedure.
The procedure is almost always carried out under the general anesthesia.
Back anesthesia is used at at possible complications from use of the general anesthesia - the area from a breast down to legs is exposed to anesthesia.
Description of the procedure of a laparotomy.
The doctor will make one long section along an abdominal cavity. Bodies are investigated on existence of a disease. The doctor can take a biopsy of the interesting body. During a laparotomy necessary surgical intervention can be made. After carrying out a laparotomy the section is sewn up with threads or fastened with brackets.
What is the time the laparotomy borrows?
About 1-4 hours.
Whether it will be sick?
Anesthesia prevents pain during the procedure. For reduction of pain after the procedure, it is necessary to accept anesthetics.
The average time of stay in hospital makes several days. If there are complications, the period increases.
Nosotrophy after operation. In hospital:
* Perhaps, it is necessary to wear special socks or shoes to prevent formation of blood clots;
* For the help in an urination, perhaps it is necessary to use a catheter;
* It is possible to use the stimulating lung-tester helping to breathe more deeply.
Several weeks that the organism was completely recovered can be required.
* Adhere to medical instructions;
* Seams or paper clips are removed in 7-10 days;
* Do not allow hit of an infection to the place of a section;
* It is necessary to wash and bathe with осторожностья that water did not get to a wound;
* Within the first two weeks after operation do not lift objects;
* Slowly increase intensity of movements. Begin with easy housework, short walks;
* To accelerate healing of a section, eat many fruit and vegetables.
Try to avoid a lock:
* Do not use products with the high content of cellulose;
* Drink a lot of water;
* If it is necessary, accept laxatives.

Lines of a section at a laparotomy