Inborn toxoplasmosis
- Description
- Reasons of an inborn toxoplasmosis
- Symptoms of an inborn toxoplasmosis
- Treatment of inborn
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Inborn toxoplasmosis - the pre-natal invasive disease caused by a parasite toxoplasma who gets to a fruit organism from mother.
Toxoplasma meets around the world and infects from 1 to 8 of 1000 newborns. Approximately at a half of the women infected during pregnancy children with an inborn toxoplasmosis are born. The risk of infection of a fruit increases if the woman is infected at the end of pregnancy. The disease usually proceeds heavier if the fruit is infected on early duration of gestation.
Reasons of an inborn toxoplasmosis:
Toxoplasma often infects cats, and eggs of a parasite get to their kcal. They within many months keep ability to cause development of an infection. Women can catch at contact with any substance or a subject contaminated by a stake of cats. Consumption of insufficiently processed meat (mutton, pork, beef) can also cause this disease.
Symptoms of an inborn toxoplasmosis:
The pregnant women and newborns infected with toxoplasma usually have no symptoms, however fetation in a uterus can be slowed down; premature births are possible. Characteristic symptoms of a disease - a little head; jaundice; increase in a liver and spleen; inflammation of heart (myocarditis), lungs (pneumonia) or eye
(conjunctivitis); rash; high intracranial pressure and increase in amount of liquid in spaces around a brain or sedimentation of calcium (petrifikata) in a brain; spasms. The condition of some children with such symptoms can be very heavy, and they soon die. Others have irreversible damages, including an inflammation of an internal part of eyes (chorioretinitis), a delay of intellectual development, deafness and spasms. Such anomalies can develop later at children who seemed healthy at the birth.

Inborn toxoplasmosis
Treatment of inborn:
The pregnant women and women assuming pregnancy existence have to avoid contact with any substances or objects contaminated by a stake of cats. Meat should be processed carefully to destroy parasites who can contain in it; hands after processing of crude meat need to be washed carefully.
The fruit can prevent transmission of infection if mother accepts drug Spheromycinum. If the fruit is infected in late durations of gestation, appoint Pyrimethaminum and sulfanamide drugs. The infected newborns in the presence of an explicit clinical picture of a disease are treated Pyrimethaminum. In the presence of symptoms of an inflammation corticosteroids (hormonal drugs) can be used.