Hip neck fracture
- Description
- Hip neck fracture reasons
- Hip neck fracture symptoms
- Treatment of a fracture of neck of a hip
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see also:
- Shovel fracture
- Clavicle fracture
- Fracture of bones
- Not growing together change
- a href="" class="spoiler_links">To show all list
The fracture of a neck of a hip is more, than just broken bone. At advanced age it can mean serious problems with health, sharp change of a way of life. In that case often operation is required, and the recovery period borrows till 1 year. Activity and physical therapy can help to recover forces and mobility of a backbone.

Hip neck fracture
Hip neck fracture reasons:
The majority of fractures of hip happens to people 65 years are more senior. At advanced age it is necessary to be very careful to avoid falling.
Falling are the reason of the majority of fractures of neck of a hip at elderly people. At more advanced age of a bone lose durability and, more possibly, can be broken even from insignificant falling. Children and young people in most cases get a hip fracture because of falling from the bicycle or in car accidents, at sports injuries.
Other factors which increase risk of a fracture of hip:
1. Female.
2. Family heredity (thin bones).
3. Wrong food allowance. Not enough calcium and vitamin D in food can reduce bone density.
4. Lack of physical activity. Physical exercises, such as walking, can help to keep bones strong.
5. Smoking.
6. Other diseases which cause dizziness, problems with balance, and also musculoskeletal system diseases (arthritis) can become the falling reason.
7. Reception of certain drugs which can lead to loss of bone weight.
Hip neck fracture symptoms:
It is difficult not to notice symptoms of a fracture of neck of a hip. The patient complains of severe pain in a hip or below inguinal area. Possibly, he will not be able to go.
These symptoms arise soon after falling or an injury. But if the person has very thin bones in connection with osteoporosis or for other reason, the fracture of a neck of a hip can arise without falling. In rare instances, a pain syndrome slight, the victim is able to go.
Use of X-ray for diagnosis of bone defect is reasonable. As additional a diagnostic method it is possible to use MPT, KT or scanning of bones.

Hip neck fracture on the roentgenogram
Treatment of a fracture of neck of a hip:
In hard cases operation is required. Surgical methods of treatment provide good results, but on duration this method takes a lot of time.
The type of operation will depend on the place of a change and its weight. The doctor can put metal screws, a metal plate or a core in a hip to recover a bone continuity. In special cases a part of a hip is exposed to prosthetics.