DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Medical genetics Pfaundler's disease

Pfaundler's disease


Disease Pfaundlera-Gurler - мукополисахародоз the I type, caused by deficit alpha L - идуронинизидазы.

Pfaundler etiologies:

It is inherited autosomnoretsessivno, the disease is caused by deficit of enzyme αгиалуронидазы.

Symptoms of a disease of Pfaundler:

It is shown by disturbance of development of a cartilaginous and bone tissue, low-tallness, kifizy, deformation of extremities and contractures of joints, mental retardation, peculiar features (gargoilizm), opacification of a cornea, a gepatosplenomegaliya, malformations of cardiovascular system. Death comes from respiratory infections or heart failure by the end of the 1st decade of life. The raised excretion with urine of a dermatansulfat and geparansulfat is characteristic.

Пациент с болезнью Пфаундлера

Patient with a disease Pfaundlera

Treatment of a disease of Pfaundler:

Treatment unsuccessfully and children early die.

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