Trachea intubation
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Trachea intubation — introduction of a special tube to a throat and a trachea at their narrowings threatening with suffocation (when carrying out an intensive care or resuscitation actions), and also for carrying out anesthesiology providing.
In medicine the intubation belongs to introduction of a tube to an external or internal opening of a body. Though this term can belong also to the endoscopic procedure, it is most often used for designation of an intubation of a trachea. The intubation of a trachea is characterized by placement of a flexible plastic tube in a trachea for the purpose of protection of respiratory tracts of the patient and represents one of means for carrying out mechanical ventilation of the lungs. The most widespread is the orotracheal intubation when by means of the laryngoscope, the endotracheal tube passes through an oral cavity, a throat and between phonatory bands is entered into a trachea. Then the cuff which is near a distal tip of a tube is inflated by air to provide the correct finding of a tube and to protect respiratory tracts from blood, vomiting and various allocations. One more technique consists in a nazotrakhealny intubation, at this technique the endotracheal tube passes through a nose, a throat, phonatory bands in a trachea cavity.
Extubation mean removal of the tube entered earlier by the term.
Intubations of a trachea is potentially invasive procedure which demands wide clinical experience. When the intubation of a trachea is carried out in an inadequate way (for example, at a wrong intubation of a gullet), the related complications can quickly lead to the death of the patient. Afterwards, the intubation of a trachea proved as "the gold standard" of ensuring passability of respiratory tracts in comparison with mask ventilation by a respiratory bag.
There is no uniform reliable technique confirming placement of a tube in a trachea for 100%. Thus, use of several methods for confirmation of the correct placement of a tube is recommended. Now the kapnografiya as the tool for confirmation of correctness of placement of a tube becomes "the gold standard".

Technology of carrying out intubation of a trachea