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Oftalmoskopiya - inspection which allows the physician to see in the back wall of an eye (called - a bottom) other structures, using a source of increase in light (ophtalmoscope). This inspection is a part of the general eye survey and can be made at usual physical survey.
The bottom contains a chain of nervous cells (retina) to which it is transferred images and is covered with an external cover (cornea). The bottom also contains blood vessels and an optic nerve.
There are two types of Oftalmoskopiya:
1. Direct Oftalmoskopiya. Your doctor uses the tool with a source of radiation of light and several lenses which can enlarge the image by 15 times. Such survey is a part of the general physical inspection.
2. Indirect Oftalmoskopiya. Your doctor uses the light source attached to a tape on the head and a small figurative lens that allows to provide wider review of an internal part of an eye, even under a condition if lens dimmed because of a cataract.
Why it needs to be done:
Oftalmoskopiya becomes if you:
- Found problems or a disease of eyes, such as - problems with a retina.
- For diagnosis of other diseases leading to sight damage.
- Found such symptoms as headaches.
- Found other problems or diseases, such as - at injuries of the head or a tumor of a brain.
How to prepare.
No special preparation is necessary before passing of this testing.
Your doctor, perhaps, will use eye drops to expand your pupil. It allows to see an eyeground better. Drops dig in in 15 - 20 minutes prior to survey completely to expand a pupil. Your doctor can also use eye drops for anesthesia of a surface of your eyes. Tell the doctor if:
You or someone else in your family has a disease – glaucoma.
You have an allergic reaction to the expanding or anesthetizing eye drops.
Perhaps, you will not be able to focus your attention within several hours after underwent this inspection. You, perhaps, should agree that somebody could accompany you home after the undergone inspection. You will also need to put on sunglasses when you go outside or if you are in brightly lit room.
You speak with your doctor about any alarms which you face during the testing, its risks as it will be made or on what, perhaps, specify results of inspection. To help you to understand importance of this inspection, it is enough to get acquainted with a large number of the provided medical information.
Direct Oftalmoskopiya.
It is the most popular type of inspection to investigate internal structure of an eye.
that remote spot in the room.
At a direct oftalmoskopiya, your doctor will draw near very close your person and to shine with bright light in one of your eyes. Each eye will be separately looked through.
Try to keep steady: without blinking.
This procedure will take you 3 - 5 minutes.
Indirect Oftalmoskopiya.
This type of ophthalmologic inspection gives a better understanding of a condition of a retina, than a direct oftalmoskopiya. This inspection usually becomes the ophthalmologist.
to the room.
Your doctor will investigate your open eye by means of very bright light and through a special lens.
Your doctor can ask you that you looked in various directions, and can even put pressure upon your eyeglobe through skin of your eyelids by means of small, blunt instrument to help to bring edges of your bottom in representation.
This procedure will take you from 5 to 10 minutes.
How do you feel at inspection.
Direct Oftalmoskopiya. During direct ophthalmologic inspection you can hear the clicking sound as the tool is adapted so that to concentrate on various structures in an eye. Light at the same time is sometimes very intensive, and you can have spots after inspection within a short period of time. Some people report about spots of light or florid images. These images - actually schemes of blood vessels of a retina.
Indirect Oftalmoskopiya. At this inspection the used light is much more intensive and can be a little inconvenient for the patient. Pressure upon your eyeglobe blunt instrument, can also be not absolutely convenient. After inspection there are images connected with this test. If the test is painful, report about it to the doctor.

Oftalmoskopichesky picture of an eyeground