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Laringoskopiya is a method of a research of a throat, including phonatory bands. There are several types of a laringoskopiya, each of which has the indications.
Indirect laringoskopiya.
The indirect laringoskopiya is carried out in an office of the doctor. The small pocket mirror which is entered into a stomatopharynx is for this purpose used. By means of a reflector – a mirror which is established light is reflected in the head of the doctor from a lamp and lights a throat. Now the given method is considered outdated as flexible laryngoscopes gain ground. They allow to obtain more information.
Direct laringoskopiya (flexible or rigid).
The direct laringoskopiya allows to see more, than the indirect laringoskopiya allows. It can be carried out both by means of a flexible fibrolaringoskop, and by means of rigid (rigid). The rigid laryngoscope is used usually during surgical interventions.
Indications to a laringoskopiya:
* Identification of the reason of such changes of a voice as hoarseness, priglushennost, weakness or its total absence.
* Identification of the reason of pharyngalgias or in an ear.
* Identification of the reason of the complicated swallowing, feelings of a foreign body in a throat or availability of blood at expectoration.
* Identification of injuries of a throat, its narrowing or disturbance of passability of respiratory tracts.
The direct rigid laringoskopiya is usually carried out for the purpose of removal of foreign bodys of a throat, capture of a biopsy, removal of polyps of phonatory bands or performing laser therapy. Besides, this diagnostic method is applied to detection of throat cancer.
Preparation for a laringoskopiya
Indirect laringoskopiya. Before carrying out this method of a research it is recommended to refrain from meal and liquid for the prevention of vomiting during the research and development of such complication. as aspiration (inhalation) of emetic masses. If you carry dentures, it is recommended to remove them.
Direct laringoskopiya. Before carrying out a direct liraingoskopiya it is necessary to tell the doctor the following possible facts:
* An allergy to medicines, including to anesthetics.
* Reception of any medicines.
* Disturbance of coagulability of blood or administration of drugs, liquefying blood (for example, aspirin or warfarin).
* Heart troubles.
* Possible pregnancy.
The direct laringoskopiya by means of the rigid laryngoscope is carried out usually under the general anesthesia. In 8 hours before this procedure it is necessary to refrain from meal and liquid.

Carrying out laringoskopiya