
Producer: Hemofarm, A.D. (A.D. Hemofarm) Serbia
Code of automatic telephone exchange: B05AA07
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Solution for infusions.
General characteristics. Structure:
1 l | |
hydroxyethylstarch 200/0.5 | 60 g |
Na + | 154 mmol |
Cl- | 154 mmol |
theoretical osmolarity 309 ¼Äß¼/l рН 5.0-7.0 |
Excipients: sodium chloride of 9 g, water for and to 1000 ml.
Pharmacological properties:
Plasma substituting means, hydroxyethylated starch (GEK). GEK is the high-molecular connection consisting of the polymerized glucose remains which is received by amylopectin hydroxyethylation - the natural polysaccharide which is contained in starch of potatoes and corn of wax ripeness. Amylopectin is quickly hydrolyzed in blood, time of its presence at a circulatory bed makes about 20 min. For increase in stability and increase in duration of action amylopectin is subjected to hydroxyethylation. Depth of this process is characterized by extent of substitution.
Intensity and duration of objemzameshchayushchy effect of drugs of GEK are defined by the molecular mass and extent of substitution of substance of GEK. The extent of substitution is higher, the GEK in the circulating blood remains longer. At C2/C6 ratio more than 8 GEK are metabolized in an organism much more slowly, than at a ratio less than 8.
Pentastarch has molecular weight about 200 000 дальтон and extent of substitution about 0.5; C2/C6 ratio defining features of substitution is equal to 6.
Improves rheological properties of blood due to decrease in indicators of a hematocrit, reduces viscosity of plasma, reduces aggregation of erythrocytes, promotes recovery of the broken microcirculation.
It is deposited in RES cells that has no clinical value.
Pharmacokinetics. Later in/in infusion pentastarch is exposed to intensive metabolism, being split (under the influence of serum amylase) to low-molecular fragments. Metabolism products with a molecular weight less than 50 000 дальтон are quickly removed by kidneys. About 70% of a dose are removed with urine during 24 h and about 80% - within a week.
Indications to use:
As plasma substituting means at the hypovolemia and shock connected with operative measures, wounds, infectious diseases and burns; microcirculation disturbances; therapeutic hemodilution.
Route of administration and doses:
Establish individually depending on age, indications, a clinical situation. Enter in a look into infusions.
Features of use:
With care apply at hemorrhagic diathesis, dehydration (performing preliminary corrective therapy is required).
It is necessary to consider that too bystry in/in introduction, also as use of GEK in high doses can cause an acute volume overload of the blood circulatory system.
In the course of treatment it is necessary to control an ionogramma of a blood plasma, OTsK, function of kidneys, to monitor sufficient administration of liquid.
At development of hypersensitivity reactions it is necessary to stop immediately introduction of GEK and to hold necessary urgent events.
At use of GEK increase in activity of amylase of serum is possible that it is not connected with clinical displays of pancreatitis.
Pentastarch can be applied to a leukopheresis.
Pentastarch has no mutagen effect.
Side effects:
Allergic reactions: the small tortoiseshell, anaphylactic reactions are possible; seldom - a persistent, but reversible skin itch.
Interaction with other medicines:
Pentastarch is incompatible with solutions of other medicines.
Overhydratation, hypervolemia, dekompensirovanny heart failure, renal failure with an oliguria or an anury, cardiogenic hypostasis of a lung, intracranial bleedings, heavy disturbances of coagulability of blood, hypersensitivity to GEK.
Use at pregnancy and feeding by a breast
Pentastarch is contraindicated to use in the I trimester of pregnancy.
In pilot studies it is established that pentastarch has no embriotoksichesky and teratogenic effect.
Use at renal failures
It is contraindicated at a renal failure with an oliguria or an anury.
There are no data.
Storage conditions:
To store in the place, unavailable to children, at a temperature from 15 °C to 25 °C.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Solution for инф. 6% (GEK 200/0.5): 500 ml фл.
Solution for инф. 10% (GEK 200/0.5): 500 ml фл.