
Producer: JSC Firm Medpolimer Russia
Code of automatic telephone exchange: B05BB01
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Solution for infusions.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredients: 6 g of sodium of chloride, 0,3 g of potassium of chloride, 0,12 g of magnesium of chloride, 14 g of sodium of a fumarat.
Excipients: water for injections.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. The combined drug; renders antioxidant, regidratiruyushchy, antiagregantny, diuretic and disintoxication action. Activates adaptation of a cell to a lack of oxygen; quickly fills the volume of the circulating blood at hypovolemic states, prevents dehydration of fabrics, reduces viscosity of blood, improves its rheological properties, shows hemodynamic effect.
Indications to use:
Hypovolemic and hypoxemic states (blood loss, shock, injury, intoxication). The acute disorders of cerebral circulation at adults proceeding on ischemic and hemorrhagic type. As a component of perfused mix for filling of a contour of the cardiopulmonary bypass at cardiac operations at adults and children.
Route of administration and doses:
Mafusol apply intravenously, vnutriarterialno. Doses and rate of administering of drug choose according to indications and a condition of the patient. At shock (hemorrhagic, burn, traumatic, operational) easy and moderate severity for adults Mafusol enter in a dose 2-3 l, in the beginning struyno, and at normalization of hemodynamic indicators - kapelno; children in a dose have 20-25 ml/kg.
At heavy shock at adults Mafusol is recommended to apply in combination with eritrotsitsoderzhashchy environments, and also colloid blood substitutes of hemodynamic action. Mafusol's dose in this case is established individually, but not less than 1 l; to children enter not less than 15 ml/kg. At heavy intoxications at adults (peritonitis, sepsis, intestinal impassability, etc.) enter up to 2-3 l/days into combinations with other disintoxication means; to children - 30-35 ml/kg/days.
As a gemodilyuent when filling the cardiopulmonary bypass Mafusol can make up to 50% of the perfused solution entered into the device.
In cases of the blood loss which is not exceeding 15% of OTsK at adults and children, drug can be used as the only infusional environment. Mafusol it is possible to apply instead of other saline infusion solutions.
Interaction with other medicines:
Mafusol it is possible to apply in combination with colloidal solutions (Polyglucinum, реополиглюкин, neohaemodesum, Haemodesum, Gelatinolum, etc.); drug is also compatible to donor blood, erythroweight, plasma and other blood preparations.
Mafusol's use does not interfere also with use of usually applied antishock means, including: drugs for a neyroleptanalgeziya (fentanyl, Droperidolum), drugs of a benzodiazepine row (diazepam, etc.), and also muscle relaxants (succinylcholine, etc.), proteolysis inhibitors (Aprotininum) and adrenomimetik (a dopamine, Epinephrinum).
Hypersensitivity to drug components. The craniocereberal injury which is followed by increase in intracranial pressure, and also a state, at which contraindicated intravenous administration of large volumes of liquid (including heart failure).
Too bystry introduction when using high doses can lead to development of an acute left ventricular failure.
Storage conditions:
In the dry place at a temperature not above 25 °C. Freezing at transportation is allowed. In the place, unavailable to children. A period of validity - 2 years. It is not necessary to use after the expiry date specified on packaging.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Solution for infusions on 100, 250, 500 or 1000 ml in containers polymeric for infusion solutions. Each container is packed into a secondary package of the put application instruction. The secondary package is made of polypropylene or of polyethylene of high pressure.