- Description
- Xanthoma symptoms
- Xanthoma reasons
- Treatment of the Xanthoma
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Xanthoma - the formation of maculas lutea on skin caused by disturbance of lipidic exchange in an organism.
Xanthoma symptoms:
There are several types of xanthomas. Tuberous xanthomas are usually formed on skin of knee and elbow areas; tendinous xanthomas - on sinews of razgibatel of brushes and feet, and also on an Achilles tendon. Clusters from small yellow papules are called the pouring-out xanthomas, more flat educations - flat xanthomas. Large nodal educations arise generally on elbows and knees. On elbows, knees, phalanxes of fingers, in wrists and a tarsus the crateriform small knots - tuberous xanthomas are formed, a peculiar yellowish coloring of palms and soles and flat educations, or flat xanthomas is possible. It is not necessary to confuse a xanthoma to a melanoma which has malignant character.

Xanthoma in the field of a century

Xanthoma of fingers
Xanthoma reasons:
Xanthomas most often form so-called foamy cells among which there are big cells. Foamy cells contain crystals of cholesterol, a lipoida and fats. Xanthomas are not any individual disease; they - result or a symptom of the inborn or acquired disturbance of exchange of fats. Big knotty xanthomas usually appear at a diabetes mellitus or diseases of kidneys. The crateriform xanthomas can arise at a pancreas inflammation, and also at unlimited alcohol intake. On sinews they meet at obstruction of bilious channels. Besides, these educations result also from diseases of a liver or heavy operations. They are one of a set of symptoms of the diseases called xanthomatoses, for example, Brook's syndrome, Toytshlender's syndrome, Laurence's syndrome.
Treatment of the Xanthoma:
The xanthoma can disappear only at elimination of the disbolism. Single xanthomas can be removed in the surgical way.
It is not necessary to self-medicate xanthomas. At emergence of small small knots they cannot be greased with any ointments, especially to try to pick out. It is also necessary to adhere to a special diet: to reduce the use of carbohydrates and fats, to refuse partially eggs, oil, pork, sugar.
At emergence of the first signs of xanthomas it is necessary to see a doctor.
The doctor will try to establish the reason of emergence of xanthomas. As an actual reason of disbolism to establish extremely difficult, this inspection can long proceed. Depending on the diagnosis of a disease the corresponding treatment is applied. In the absence of the exact diagnosis appoint the corresponding diet in combination with medicamentous drugs and watch efficiency of treatment.