Cardial cirrhosis
- Description
- Symptoms of Cardial cirrhosis
- Reasons of Cardial cirrhosis
- Treatment of Cardial cirrhosis
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Cardial cirrhosis is a chronic disease at which there is a disturbance of structure of a liver: arrangements of cellular elements, bilious channels, and also dysfunction of hepatocytes – hepatic cells owing to is long the existing heart failure.
Symptoms of Cardial cirrhosis:
Cardial cirrhosis is characterized by portal hypertensia, the expansion of hepatic veins, ascites moderated by liver fibrosis; it is observed at chronic cardial compression with a prelum of the mouth of the lower vena cava.
X-ray pattern. Pericardiac commissures, sometimes armored heart. Often an exudate in a pleural cavity or pleural commissures.

Cardial cirrhosis (muscat liver). Macrodrug.
Reasons of Cardial cirrhosis:
The etiological factor of cardial cirrhosis is chronic, is long the existing heart failure.
The matter is that at decrease in pumping function of heart (heart failure) in all bodies stagnation of blood, and a liver develops, being the body rich with vessels, suffers from this stagnation more than others.
Because of increase in venous pressure a liquid part of blood, as if transudes in tissue of a liver and squeezes it. It significantly breaks blood supply of body and outflow of bile, therefore, and its function. If such situation remains is long, then irreversible transformations in structure of a liver – cardial cirrhosis develop.
Treatment of Cardial cirrhosis:
Effective treatment of cirrhosis, especially cardial, does not exist, all actions go to the prime cause of a disease and elimination of symptoms: fight against an edematous syndrome, desintoxication and delays of progressing of cirrhosis.