
Producer: Richard Bittner (Richard Bittner) Austria
Code of automatic telephone exchange: A05C
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Drops.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredients: 2 ml of Carduusmarianum (Carduus) (кардуус марианум) D1, 10 ml of Taraxacumofficinale (Taraxacum) (тараксакум to an ofitsinala) D6, 10 ml of Chelidoniummajus (Chelidonium) (хелидониум майус) D6, 10 ml of Natrium sulfuricum (натриум сульфурикум) D12, 10 ml of Phosphorus (фосфорус) D12.
Excipients: alcohol (ethanol) – 43% on weight of 58 ml.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Complex homeopathic medicine. Has the hepatoprotective effect which is shown in reduction of expressiveness of a syndrome of a cytolysis and intra hepatic cholestasia, normalizes motor and evakuatorny function of biliary tract, eliminates dyspepsia symptoms. Galstena has cholagogue, spasmolytic, antiinflammatory effect, prevents formation of stones of a gall bladder.
Pharmacokinetics. Effect of drug of Galsten is result of cumulative action of its components therefore carrying out kinetic observations is not possible; everything together components cannot be tracked by means of markers or bioresearches. For the same reason it is impossible to find also metabolites of drug.
Indications to use:
In complex treatment of acute and chronic diseases of a liver (hepatitis, a hepatosis), diseases of a gall bladder (not calculous chronic cholecystitis, postcholecystectomy syndrome) and chronic pancreatitis.
Route of administration and doses:
Dose (one-time)
Frequency rate of reception and duration of a course
Route of administration
Hepatitis acute and chronic, hepatosis, chronic pancreatitis
Adults and teenagers
10 drops
3 times a day. Not less than 3 months. If necessary the course can be repeated in 1 month after consultation with the doctor.
Inside in pure form or to part in 1 tablespoon of water in 30 minutes prior to or in an hour after food, having taken some time in a mouth before a proglatyvaniye.
Children up to 12 years
5 drops
Children till 1 year
1 drop
Inside, to part in 1 teaspoon of water or maternal milk. To give in 30 minutes prior to or in 1 hour after feeding.
Not calculous chronic cholecystitis, postcholecystectomy syndrome (after a gall bladder operation).
Adults and teenagers
10 drops
3 times a day 3 months. If necessary the course can be repeated in 1 month after consultation with the doctor.
Inside in pure form or to part in 1 tablespoon of water in 30 minutes prior to or in 1 hour after food, having taken some time in a mouth (20-30 seconds) before a proglatyvaniye.
Children up to 12 years
5 drops
Features of use:
As drug contains vegetable natural components, at storage insignificant opacification and weakening of a smell and taste can be observed that does not lead to decrease in efficiency of drug.
Drug is not recommended to be used when performing potentially dangerous types of activity demanding the increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.
Alcohol (ethanol) of 43% on weight is a part of drug. Галстена (Galstena) – drops contain in a single dose (10 drops) of 0,17 g of ethanol. The maximum daily dose (8 times a day on 10 drops) contains 1,35 g of ethanol.
Side effects:
There can be an increased salivation. At emergence of other side effects it is necessary to see a doctor.
Interaction with other medicines:
Use of homeopathic medicines does not exclude treatment by other medicines.
Hypersensitivity to any of drug components (including to plants of the thistle family family).
With care. At alcoholism, a craniocereberal injury, diseases of a brain, epilepsy. At pregnancy and a lactation drug is used on doctor's orders.
Overdose cases were not registered so far.
Storage conditions:
In original packaging and the place protected from strong electromagnetic fields at a temperature not above 25 °C. To store in the place, unavailable to children. Period of validity of 5 years. Not to apply after the period of validity specified on packaging.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
Drops are homeopathic. On 20 ml or 50 ml in bottles of brown glass (type III) with the screw-on cover from propylene, with control of the first opening, with a dropper from polyethylene. Each bottle together with the application instruction is placed in a cardboard pack.