Gepadif of the capsule

Producer: Universal agency "Pro-Pharma" Ukraine
Code of automatic telephone exchange: A16 A20
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Capsules.
General characteristics. Structure:
Main physical and chemical properties: the solid gelatin capsules with the case of color, light brown with a violet shade, and a lid of dark brown color containing powder, light yellow with a brown shade, on a lid a text of "Hepadif", on the case a text of "HSD";
Active agents: 1 capsule contains a carnitine of an orotat 150 mg (that is equivalent to 73,8 mg of acid of orotovy and 76,2 mg of a carnitine), anti-toxic fractions of extract of a liver of 12,5 mg (containing to cyanocobalamin not less than 0,000125 mg), a pyridoxine of a hydrochloride of 25 mg, to cyanocobalamin of 0125 mg, adenine of a hydrochloride of 2,5 mg, Riboflavinum of 0,5 mg;
excipients: D-sorbitol, lactose, кремниюдиоксид colloid, magnesium stearate.
Pharmacological properties:
Gepadif - the combined drug which effects are caused by complex action of the components which are its part. Stimulates metabolism of fats - components of β-oxidizing transformation of free fatty acids in mitochondrions of hepatocytes, biosynthetic processes, prevents a necrosis of hepatocytes, normalizes process of proliferation of hepatocytes, system of liver enzymes and recovers normal function of a liver. Existence of the adenosine which is a component of coenzymes, nucleic acids provides regulation of processes of a kroveobrazovaniye. Group B vitamins (cyanocobalamin, Riboflavinum, a pyridoxine) regulate oxidation-reduction processes, participate in protein, fatty and carbohydrate metabolism, in exchange of tryptophane, methionine, cysteine, glyutaminovy acid and other amino acids. The pyridoxine contributes to normalization of lipidic exchange. Cyanocobalamin participates in transmethylation process, hydrogen transfer, formation of methionine, nucleic acids, sincaline, to creatine.
The carnitine promotes splitting of fatty long chain acids and substitution of fatly acid metabolic shunt carbohydrates, improves digestion of food.
The anti-toxic fraction of extract of a liver is the cleared anti-toxic extract from a liver and attracts anti-toxic effect.
Gepadif improves digestion, improves a zhelchevydeleniye, facilitates absorption of carbohydrates in a small intestine, is necessary for maintenance of normal intestinal microflora. Promotes improvement of glikogenofiksiruyushchy, synthetic, anti-toxic function of a liver, increases sensitivity of cells to effect of insulin, promotes release of insulin.
Pharmacokinetics. After intake the complex of active agents is released in a duodenum. Absorption of water-soluble vitamins of group B (cyanocobalamine, Riboflavinum, a pyridoxine), a carnitine of an orotat, anti-toxic fraction of a liver, adenine of a hydrochloride happens on all length of a small intestine. Depositions cyanocobalamine occurs in kidneys, an intestines wall, is preferential in a liver. Out of a liver it is brought with bile in intestines where it is repeatedly soaked up. Distribution of Riboflavinum in an organism uneven: the greatest number is found in a myocardium, a liver, kidneys, a pyridoxine it is metabolized in a liver with formation pharmacological of active metabolites (pyridoxal phosphate, пиридоксаминофосфат); it is distributed in muscles, a liver, the central nervous system. A conclusion is carried out preferential by kidneys.
Indications to use:
- Acute and chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis (as a part of complex therapy);
- Fatty dystrophy of a liver (liver steatosis);
- Alcoholic damage of a liver;
- Intoxication owing to long reception of antineoplastic, antitubercular and other drugs.
Route of administration and doses:
Gepadif accept inside.
The adult drug is appointed on 2 capsules by 2-3 times a day, irrespective of meal. Usually capsules accept whole, washing down with water. At complicated swallowing it is possible to dissolve capsule contents in 50 ml of juice or water. Not to dissolve in milk!
The dosage can be adjusted by the doctor.
Duration of treatment depends on a current of a basic disease and is defined by the doctor individually.
Features of use:
Pregnancy and lactation. A negative impact of drug during pregnancy and feeding by a breast it is not registered, however at Gepadifu's appointment to pregnant women or women who nurse, it is necessary to consider carefully a ratio of advantage of use of drug with potential risk.
Influence on ability to manage vehicles and intim mechanisms. A negative impact on ability to manage vehicles and other mechanisms it is not registered.
Side effects:
Usually drug is transferred well.
At use of drug allergic reactions can sometimes be observed (skin rash, a small tortoiseshell, an abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
Interaction with other medicines:
Clinically significant medicinal interaction of Gepadif with other drugs is not described.
Individual intolerance of components of drug. Children's age.
At overdose nausea, vomiting diarrhea are observed.
Treatment. It is necessary to wash out a stomach, to accept absorbent carbon, giperosmotichn purgatives.
Storage conditions:
To store in the place, unavailable to children, in original packaging, at a temperature not above 25 °C.
Period of validity - 5 years
Drug should not be used after the expiry date specified on packaging.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe