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Holangiografiya - group of methods of X-ray inspection of bilious ways after direct introduction to their gleam of a contrast agent. Holangiografiya is not connected with activity of hepatic cells and concentration ability of a gall bladder. A contrast agent can be entered in the different ways: a transdermal puncture to bilious canals or a gall bladder (a transdermal transhepatic holangiografiya or the transdermal cholecystography); under control of a duodenoskopiya in an opening of a big nipple of a duodenum (an endoscopic retrograde holangiopankreatografiya - ERHPG); during an operative measure (an intraoperative holangiografiya) or in the postoperative period through a drainage tube. Recently quickly and successfully the magnetic and resonant holangiografiya develops. Basic purpose of a holangiografiya - a research of bilious ways at patients with mechanical (subhepatic) jaundice of various etiology. It will be out after a sonografiya and a computer tomography.
The image of a liver and bilious ways can be received by means of radionuclide methods. For this purpose to the patient intravenously enter RFP which is taken from blood or hepatocytes (99mTc))))))))))), or star-shaped retikuloendoteliotsita (99mts-colloid). In the first case the technique is called a gepatobilistsintigrafiya, in the second - a gepatostsintigrafiya. In both cases on stsintigramma the image of a liver appears. In a direct projection it has an appearance of a big triangle; in it it is possible to distinguish the right and left shares, deepening from above (cordial cutting), sometimes dredging on the lower contour according to a pole of a gall bladder. Density of a shadow is higher in the central part of the right share as there is more than the volume of hepatic fabric. In a side projection the liver shadow in a form reminds the wrong oval, a rhombus or a triangle. In all provisions hypodispersion of RFP in body is registered.
