Prevention of aggravations of a peptic ulcer
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Prevention consists in regular (at least two times a year - in the spring and in the fall) medical inspection of patients for assessment of a condition of ulcer process, identification of complications and associated diseases; at the same time the fibrogastroduodenoskopichesky research is obligatory.
The most important components of antirecurrent treatment are:
1) observance of a diet and diet;
2) full refusal of smoking and use of alcoholic beverages;
3) lengthening of time of a dream till 9-10 o'clock;
4) release from work by turns (especially at night), long and frequent business trips;
5) medicamentous and travolecheniye;
6) physical therapy;
7) reception of mineral water;
8) sanatorium treatment;
9) sanitation of an oral cavity (treatment of carious teeth, prosthetics);
10) treatment of associated diseases.
Use of medicinal plants at treatment of a peptic ulcer of a duodenum is based on use their antiinflammatory, enveloping, the laxative knitting, the anesthetizing actions. Besides, it is noted that drugs of phytotherapy improve food of a mucous membrane of digestive tract, promoting those processes of its recovery.

Digestive tract ulcers