
Producer: CJSC Miraksbiofarm Russia
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Capsules.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: 45 mg of epigallokatekhin-3-gallate (one of catechins of green tea).
Epigallat is dietary supplement, non-hormonal means which is intended to carry out prevention of possible diseases of female reproductive system. Drug brakes неоангогинез, has antineoplastic properties, possesses antioxidant and protivospalitelny action, does not allow an invasion of cells of an endometria in muscular layers of a uterus. It is also applied to prevention and treatment of states which are connected with pathological proliferation of a cell.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. This drug is dietary supplement, and also non-hormonal means of a natural origin and as it was already told, used for the purpose of prevention of diseases of female reproductive system which are based on processes of an invasion of an endometria, a neoangiogenesis, pathological cellular proliferation.
- Epigallat interferes with growth of vessels in a myomatous node, to a neoangiogenesis – it leads to abortion of the following diseases: adenomyosis, pathology of a uterus, hysteromyoma, endometriosis.
- It brakes an invasion of cells of an endometria, thus, affecting mechanisms which are the cornerstone of development of diseases.
- Epigallat increases Indinol's efficiency, recovers balance between apoptosis and proliferation – it promotes a stop of proliferative growth.
- Has the expressed antioxidant and antiinflammatory action.
- Has antiinflammatory effect after surgical abortions and diagnostic vyskablivaniye.
- Slows down on an extent postoperative the period recuring of endometrioid cysts.
Indications to use:
Epigallat recommend to use as dietary supplement to food for the purpose of prevention of emergence and development of myomatous nodes, endometriosis, growths of an endometria, an adenomyosis. Dietary supplement producer Epigallat recommends to use this product in complex treatment of tumoral diseases of a female genital for prevention of their development and recuring (repetitions), for the prevention of complications after intrauterine manipulations, and also for prevention of infertility.
Route of administration and doses:
At a hysteromyoma, endometriosis – on 2 capsules for six months 2 times a day (in parallel with Indinol). To prevent a recurrence – the same dose of Epigallat within three months. After abortions — to apply as anti-inflammatory drug.
Features of use:
In spite of the fact that Epigallat is not medicine, however it is better to consult to the doctor before his use.
Side effects:
There can be allergic reactions of individual intolerance.
Interaction with other medicines:
In case of Epigallat and Indinol's parallel use, development of endometriosis and myoma stops, on all mechanisms which are responsible for development of diseases impact is made. Moreover, growth of vessels which feed a tumor is late, and penetration into muscular layers of a uterus of cells of an endometria is not allowed.
We do not recommend to use together with gastrotsepiny, Platyphyllinum, pantoprazoly, omeprazoly, Almagelum, fosfalyugely, famotidine, ranitidine and other means which influence acidity.
Persons at whom acidity of a gastric juice is reduced; pregnancy and lactation; individual intolerance.
Storage conditions:
Epigallat store within two years, in the dry place where temperature reaches less than 25 °C.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
Epigallat is placed in capsules on 500 mg. In packaging there are thirty or hundred twenty pieces.