
Producer: Jadran Galenski Laboratorij d.d. (JSC Yadran) Croatia
Release form: Soft dosage forms. Gel.
General characteristics. Structure:
Structure: the purified water, hydroxyethylcellulose, propylene glycol, potassium sorbate, lactic acid.
Gel for intimate hygiene.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. The gel moisturizing for intimate hygiene of Vagilak®:
· eliminates dryness of a mucous genital tract;
· renders the long-term moistening effect on a mucous membrane;
· contains the lactic acid necessary for maintenance of natural level рН and vagina microflorae;
· it is quickly absorbed, does not leave spots on clothes;
· let's combine with latex, does not contain the substances destroying it;
· does not contain the perfumed fragrances and fat oils;
· it can be used for daily intimate hygiene.
Dryness of mucous membranes of a vagina and vulva is a problem which concerns many women of all age. The number of women who face this problem constantly grows.
Dryness of mucous can lead to emergence of microcracks, discomfort, burning and painful feelings in intimate area, especially during sexual intercourse that sharply reduces quality of life.
Insufficient moisture content of a vagina can be connected with a number of the reasons:
· the menopause period when the amount of female sex hormones is reduced (often met state at elderly women in the postclimacteric period);
· reception of some medical supplies, including constant reception of hormonal contraceptives;
· use of antibiotics and antifungal drugs;
· chronic diseases (for example, hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus);
· states after gynecologic operations;
· exercise and psychological stresses;
· stresses;
· fatigue, dissatisfaction.
Вагилак® the gel moisturizing for intimate hygiene allows to eliminate quickly and effectively dryness of mucous and to improve quality of sexual life. Gel compensates for the deficiency of natural lubricant, eliminates the sensation of discomfort caused by dryness and provides long and optimum moistening of a mucous genital tract. Makes soft and safe impact on mucous, interferes with its damage and promotes regeneration processes. The lactic acid which is a part of gel promotes maintenance of optimum level of pH and preservation of natural microflora of an intimate zone.
Indications to use:
· the states which are followed by dryness of a mucous female genital tract, especially during the period peri-and postmenopauses;
· as an additional tool in complex correction of inflammatory and disbiotichesky gynecologic diseases;
· after reception of antibacterial, antifungal drugs;
· against the background of constant reception of hormonal contraceptives;
· daily intimate hygiene;
· prevention of traumatization mucous when performing diagnostic gynecologic manipulations.
Route of administration and doses:
Squeeze out a small amount of Vagilak® gel on a clean finger and apply on an intimate zone. Use the applied applicator for deeper putting gel in a vagina.
To fill the applicator, apply it to an opening of a tube and squeeze out a small amount of gel. Disconnect the applicator from a tube, enter it into a vagina and squeeze out gel. The applicator can be used unlimited number of times. After use it is necessary to wash out the applicator in warm water, to wipe and store carefully in the dry place.
Gel can be applied with a thin layer on a penis or the external surface of condom, and also to use for simplification of introduction of rectal thermometers and enemas.
Features of use:
Вагилак® the gel moisturizing for intimate hygiene is not a contraceptive!
Side effects:
Gel components at topical administration do not make system impact on an organism. Allergic reactions are sometimes possible.
Individual intolerance of components.
Storage conditions:
To store at a temperature not above 25 °C in densely closed tuba in the place, unavailable to children. Period of validity 2 years. Not to use a product after expiry date.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
50 g of gel in a tube with the applicator.