
Producer: Sopharma (JSC Sofarm) Bulgaria
Code of automatic telephone exchange: G04BX50
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active agent: Extract of yakorts of creeping (Tribulus Terrestris) of 250 mg
Other ingredients: cellulose microcrystallic, silicon dioxide colloid anhydrous, povidone, кросповидон, magnesium stearate, talc, опадрай brown.
Pharmacological properties:
Tribestan — the drug of a natural origin received on original technology from an elevated part of a plant of Tribulus Terrestris L. Drug contains preferential steroid saponins of furostanolovy type among which prevails протодиосцин. The mechanism of effect of drug is caused by this component.
Protodiostsin is metabolized in an organism to a degidroepiandrosteron (DGEA) which has favorable effect on permeability of a cellular membrane, erectile function, metabolism of cholesterol and immunity. Other active furostanolovy saponins which are a part of extract of a plant of Tribulus terrestris probably modulate effect of a protodiostsin.
Tribestan has all-tonic effect and stimulates some functions of a reproductive system. At men recovers and improves a libido and an erection. Exerts the stimulating impact on a spermatogenesis, increasing quantity of spermatozoa and their mobility, increases testosterone level. At women Tribestan also improves a libido, stimulates an ovulation. Favorably influences vasculomotor manifestations at a natural and postkastratsionny menopausal syndrome as a result of its balancing action on hormonal activity.
Results at healthy volunteers show that Tribestan influences the level of hormones of a pituitary and gonadal axis in a blood plasma, without changing significantly levels of hormones of adrenal glands and adrenocorticotropic hormone.
Tribestan has hypolipidemic effect, and at patients with a dislipoproteinemiya significantly reduces the general XC and LPNP, without impact on the TG and LPVP levels in a blood plasma.
Tribestan possesses anti-hypertensive and diuretic action.
Active agent протодиосцин is quickly removed from a blood plasma — within the 3rd hour its concentration is insignificant. It is excreted preferential with bile. Low interest of removal of not changed protodiostsin in comparison with the accepted dose confirms the assumption that it biotransformirutsya intensively in an organism.
Indications to use:
Tribestan is appointed for prevention and treatment (independent and complex) disorders of a reproductive system at men and women. At erectile dysfunction to men for strengthening of a libido, force and duration of an erection. Independently or in complex therapy of certain forms of infertility at men: infertility on the basis of an idiopathic oligoastenoteratospermiya (reduction of quantity and quality of spermatozoa in the emitted sperm); infertility in the absence of improvement of spermalny indicators during 1 year after operation on an occasion to a varikotsela; immunological the caused infertility.
To women with a menopausal and postkastratsionny syndrome with the revealed neurovegetative and neuromental manifestations; at endocrine ovarian infertility. At disturbance of a lipometabolism (dislipoproteinemiya) for decrease in the general in XC and LPNP.
Route of administration and doses:
Pill is taken inside, after food.
At decrease in a libido, impotence and infertility
At men with the lowered libido, impotence and infertility the dosage on 1–2 tablets 3 times a day is recommended. Treatment duration — not less than 90 days. The course of treatment can be repeated before obtaining positive therapeutic effect. At women with endocrine infertility the dosage on 1–2 tablets 3 times a day, from 1st to the 12th day of a menstrual cycle is recommended. This course can be repeated periodically before pregnancy.
On 2 tablets 3 times a day. Treatment duration — not less than 3 months.
Menopausal and postkastratsionny syndrome at women
On 1–2 tablets 3 times a day within 60–90 days. After improvement of a state gradually pass to a maintenance dose — 2 tablets a day within 1–2 years.
Features of use:
At treatment of women with a menopausal syndrome it is necessary to pass with therapeutic to a maintenance dose gradually. After sharp decrease in an effective dose or drug withdrawal perhaps repeated manifestation of a complex of climacteric symptoms.
Period of pregnancy and feeding by a breast. Due to the lack of clinical trials do not use drug during the periods of pregnancy and feeding by a breast. At pregnancy establishment administration of drug needs to be stopped.
Children. It is not recommended to use drug at children aged up to 18 years.
Ability to influence speed of response at control of vehicles or work with other mechanisms. Does not influence.
Side effects:
Hypersensitivity reactions are possible. At reception to food drug can render irritant action on a mucous membrane of a stomach.
Interaction with other medicines:
Simultaneous use of Tribestan with the medicines stimulating an ovulation at women with infertility leads to mutual strengthening of their effects.
The combined use of Tribestan with diuretics can strengthen effects of the last and exponentiate hypotensive effect of anti-hypertensive drugs.
Hypersensitivity to drug components; at a serious cardiovascular and renal illness; period of pregnancy and feeding by a breast.
It is not recommended to appoint drug to patients aged up to 18 years.
Overdose cases are not described so far. At reception of a large amount of drug the symptomatic treatment is shown.
Storage conditions:
In original packaging (in the dry, protected from light place) at a temperature not above 25 °C.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
The tab. п / about 250 mg, No. 60.