Syringing — washing of a vagina water or aqueous solutions of medicinal substances for the purpose of treatment or protection for conception. When syringing in the mechanical way wash away vagina contents. Depending on composition of the solution taken for washing it is possible to have various effect on a mucous membrane of a vagina: cauterizing, knitting, tonic, disinfecting. During pregnancy, especially in its second half, and also in a puerperal period syringing is not recommended to be done.
Prepare 2 l of water or medicinal solution of the corresponding structure and temperature, an Esmarch's irrigator with a rubber tube, a clip and a glass vulval tip, the vessel and a podkladny oilcloth. Century about syringing time the patient has to lie, under her enclose the vessel and an oilcloth.
Legs have to be bent in knees and are divorced. Before syringing the woman it is necessary to wash away warm water. Then, having parted with the left hand outside vulvar lips, enter a tip into a vagina on depth of 6 — 7 cm, directing it up and kzad. Supporting by one hand a tip, another open a clip and start up liquid current. The entered liquid stretches and washes vaults of the vagina and a vulval part of a neck of uterus and streams back through a sexual crack. It is necessary to take a tip carefully in the direction of a kpereda and from top to bottom. After syringing the woman has to lie down quietly 15 — 20 min., .chtoba to prolong influence of the part of liquid which was late in a vagina. After that the remains of liquid release in the vessel, and generative organs drain applying of a soft napkin. After the procedure the device is washed and disinfected, and the tip is washed, boiled and stored separately. Each woman has to have an individual tip.