- Description
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Hysteroscopy is the survey of a cavity of the uterus and the channel of a neck of uterus by means of optical system allowing to estimate pathology of a cavity of the uterus, internal cover of a uterus (endometria), mouths of uterine tubes. Thanks to the special equipment removal of intrauterine educations is possible (polyps of a uterus, commissures in a uterus after abortions, intrauterine nodes, the remains of placental fabric, foreign bodys, a section of partitions, etc.). Frequent use for diagnosis of these states allowed to consider hysteroscopy "the gold standard" in modern gynecology. The method is low-invasive, that is intervention does not reduce working ability of patients and quality of their life.
Indications to holding a procedure:
diagnosis at infertility;
diagnosis of pathology of a cavity of the uterus or exception of pathology.
Hysteroscopy is contraindicated at:
III-IV degrees of purity of a vagina;
cancer of a neck of uterus and heavy dysplasia of a neck of uterus;
disturbances of coagulability of blood;
serious general condition of the patient, dekompensirovanny conditions of cardiovascular, respiratory systems, etc.;
the general diseases with high temperature;
active uterine bleeding.
Advantages of hysteroscopy:
Allows to make the diagnosis directly during the research.
Allows to carry out removal of educations in a cavity of the uterus (polyps, submucosal fibromatous nodes, a hyperplasia of an endometria, commissures), to recover passability of uterine tubes if they are closed by polyps and so forth.
Is an alternative to a scraping of a cavity of the uterus (accuracy of diagnosis increases and the frequency of a recurrence decreases), allows to execute intervention pointwise.
Demands the minimum and short-term anesthesia.
Before carrying out hysteroscopy the gynecologist appoints researches:
general blood test, blood typing and Rhesus factor;
FATHERS smears (or cytologic smear);
smears from an urogenital path;
ECG (for patients 35 years are more senior);
ultrasonography or results of an ekhogisterosalpingografiya;
additional researches if they can influence holding a procedure or in the presence of the diseases demanding additional inspections.
